Chapter 20

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Hazel's POV

Yes, Ward did kill Big John, but that was the least of my worries. Right now I was in a car with Pope and Heyward on my way to my scholarship interview. Honestly, with everything going on. I don't know how ready I really am.

Once we got to the place the meeting was held, all three of us walked to the front door in silence. Let's just say Heyward is mad at Pope cause Pope hasn't been home in three days.

"Thank you," said Pope as we stopped at the front door. "Are you going to wait for us?" I felt so bad for Pope. He doesn't necessarily like it when his old man is mad at him.

"Are you kidding me? I got three palms blocking a private airstrip. Cameron's plan is too big for the runway," said Heyward.

"Wait, Cameron?" I asked cutting Heyward off. Me and Pope looked at each other. Why would the Cameron's be leaving?

"Yeah," said Heyward.

"He is a thief," said Pope.

"Aren't they all," said Heyward. "But money is good. I need the money. But Pope, if you get this scholarship. You'll be set for life and not end up like me." Heyward fixed Pope's tie and started to walk back to his truck. With that me and Pope walked inside the place. There was a lady at the front.

"Hello, are you two Pope and Hazel?" Asked the receptionist lady.

"Yeah," I said.

"Okay you Hazel will wait outside the door and Pope you will go inside the room," she said as she pointed to the door. We both nodded and went to the door.

"Good luck," I said with a smile as Pope closed the door behind him. Hopefully he doesn't good.

Twenty minutes have passed and I was still patiently waited outside the door. I could hear them talking inside and by what they were asking Pope, I was scared. They seemed to be asking very hard questions. What do I expect though.

I started to listen more to their conversation cause I was starting to get very bored, and I heard the work Merchant. Is Pope seriously talking about this right now?

"Did you find it?" I heard a guy say.

"Yes actually I did," I heard Pope say.

"And you found evidence of this?" A lady said.

"Definitive proof," Pope said.

"Are you trying to get us to believe that your found the Royal merchant?" Said a guy. This was why Pope shouldn't of brought it up. They weren't going to believe him.

"And if so where is the gold?" Asked the lady. I heard a long pause.

"Excuse me," I heard Pope say and then a lot of moving around in the room. Next thing I knew, Pope bursted through the door and started running out of the building. I chased after him even though I would miss my interview. Whatever Pope is thinking, must be important to make even his run out of his interview.

"Pope! What the hell!" I yelled as I tried to caught up with him. "What are you doing?!"

"Cameron's are taking a plane and Ward knows about the gold! The gold is to heavy to be transported by hand! They have the gold!" Said Pope as he kept running. I thought about everything, and it did make sense. Why else would the Cameron's suddenly leave?

I continued to follow Pope while running. Today was the day that I realized Pope is actually a pretty fast runner. Either that or I'm really out of shape.

I started to know my surroundings again, and realized we were at John B's place. Me and Pope ran to the front door only to realize no one was home. We then ran to the docks to check there just in case. Good thing we did because Kie, JJ, and John B were there. At least JB isn't dead.

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