Chapter 30

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Hazel's POV

"So the quickest route to talk would be that," said Pope as he drew on the map. We were trying to figure out the best way to take to the Bahamas, cause before with John B, we made him take the way to avoid the police which was not that quick.

"Is it safe at least?" Asked Kiara.

"It should be," shrugged Pope.

"Now all we have to do is get food," said JJ.

"And tell our parents that we are going to be disappearing for who knows how long," I said. My biggest worry was not getting to the Bahamas. It was telling my mom and dad that I'm going to be leaving. I'm going to be in so much trouble after this.

"That's the last step before we leave though," said JJ.

"When do we plan on leaving?" Asked Pope.

"First thing tomorrow," said JJ as he lit up a blunt.

"Tomorrow?!" Said Kiara. "It's like 9 o'clock at night! We have to get the food now then."

"You and Hazel can both do that since you both work at the Wreck," said JJ. "While you two do that me and Pope will set up the HMS Pogue." Me and Kiara both groaned. Of course the men get to stay here while the girls go out and get food.

"Let's go, Hazel," said Kiara. Me and Kie walked away from JJ and Pope, and into Kiara's car.

"Your dad is definitely going to be suspicious on why we are getting food this late, isn't he?" I said as Kiara started to drive.

"Definitely," said Kie. "If he does come by, distract him. I feel like he would listen to you more than me."

"You're probably right," I laughed as a reoccurring thought popped up in my head. "So, Kiara."

"No, Hazel," said Kiara already knowing what I was about to say.

"Oh come on! You and JJ would be so cute together. Plus I think he already has feelings for you, and I think you have feelings for him to even if you don't want to admit it," I said.

"I don't have feelings for him. I only think of him as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. So your ship, is never going to happen," said Kiara.

"Yes it will. I'm a psychic, I can read minds," I said making it up on the spot.

"Since when," laughed Kiara.

"Since now," I laughed. "But that besides the point. You two will end up getting together one way or another."

"In your dreams," said Kiara as she parked the car outside of the Wreck.

"We'll continue this conversation some other time," I said as me and Kie got out of the car, but as we did so Kiara's dad came out of nowhere.

"What are you girls doing?" He asked.

"I have to go to the bathroom real quick," said Kiara as she winked at me signaling to distract the dad.

"What's her problem?" Kie's dad asked.

"I don't know," I said. Her dad quickly shrugged it up probably used to his daughters weird behaviors.

"Anyways, what are you two doing here do late? You don't have work today?" Asked the dad.

"We just wanted a late night snack if that's okay with you," I lied.

"It's fine just don't take to much," he said.

"Thank you," I said as I walked past him and into the restaurant. He is going to be pretty pissed when he figures out we took a whole bunch of food.

"How'd it go?" Asked Kiara as I met her in the pack room. She was already putting food in a box.

"Good, I don't think he is suspicious at all," I said as I began helping Kiara.

"What did you even tell him?" She asked.

"That we just wanted a late night snack," I shrugged. "He also said to not take to much so you might have to explain to him on why we took like a weeks worth of food."

"Noted," said Kiara as me and her kept storing food and water in the box. We filled up the box all the way to the very brim and closed it. It was very heavy so we both carried it out, well tried to, but Kiara's dad was right by the door.

"You distract him this time," I whispered. "If it me again he'll be suspicious."

"Okay, take this out to the car," said Kiara as she let go of them box, but since it was so heavy, the box fell to the floor making a really loud sound.

"You girls okay?" Asked Kiara's dad as he started to make his way over to us.

"Shit," whispered Kiara as me and her quickly pushed the box of food behind a counter.

"You okay?" He asked again as he entered the room.

"Yeah we are fine," said Kiara out of breathe. "Hazel just fell." I elbowed her out of embarrassment. Out of all the excuses she chooses the embarrassing one.

"Okay.. are you sure you guys are okay? You two are acting very weird," said Kiara's dad.

"We promise we are fine," I said.

"Okay, well I have to go and serve my last customer so just be safe," said Kie's dad as he left the room.

"Dang that was a close one," I said as I sighed in relief.

"Let's get out of here as fast as possible," said Kiara as she grabbed the side of the box. I grabbed the other side, and we started to walk out of the restaurant.

"Set the box on the floor so that we can open the car door," I said. Kiara nodded and we both set the box on the floor. I opened the back seat doors and me and Kie slid the box in.

"That's one heavy box of food," said Kiara as we made our way to the front seat.

"Yeah, late will definitely be enough food," I said. Kiara then started the car and we drove back to John B's.

"You guys get the food?" Asked JJ as we pulled up.

"Yeah," I said as I got out of the car and opened the backseat door to reveal the food.

"Dang! That's a big box!" Laughed JJ.

"You asked for it," said Kiara. JJ and Pope helped bring the box inside the house.

"Now all we have left to do is tell the parents and leave," said Pope.

"Yeah, I'm dreading tomorrow morning," I said.

"Aren't we all," said Kiara.

I just want to say thank you guys so much for the support of the book!

It means a lot to me.

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