Chapter 27

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Hazel's POV

One week. One week ago John B and Sarah were considered dead. In that one week the cops looked for them, but there was no sign of them anywhere. People now really thought that they were dead. Before there was a little hope, and now there was none.

Also during that one week, me and Pope hung out more often. We wanted alone time to strengthen our relationship, and also to just grief. Kiara she hung out with me and Pope a lot, but when she wasn't, she was trying to help JJ. JJ, on the other hand, took the death the worst. JJ has known John B longer than the rest of us, so of course JJ would take the death the hardest. He just took it harder than we expected.

JJ barely hung out with us anymore, and if he did, he would just space out all the time. All of us were worried about him, but whenever we asked him what was wrong, he would just say nothing and leave.

"They declared John B and Sarah dead today," said JJ as he bursted through the doors of John B's house.

"What!" I said as I look up at him along with the others.

"Why?" Said Kiara. "It's only been a week!"

"That makes no sense. Usually they try to find them for a long time before giving up, not just a week," said Pope from beside me.

"Yeah well I went by the station today and that's what they told me. They said he killed Peterkin and they don't want to look for a killer," said JJ.

"I feel like that's illegal. They can't just not look for him," I said.

"And besides Sarah was with him, and Ward should have the money to keep the search going," said Kiara.

"Ward is more worried about people finding out what actually happened than his daughter," said Pope. JJ sat down on the couch and held his head. I look at the others while they looked at me. He seemed like he was concentrating hard on something. He was like that for awhile before someone spoke up.

"Uh JJ, you okay?" Asked Kiara hesitatingly. JJ took his hands from his head and looked at her.

"No Kie I'm not okay!" Snapped JJ. "You guys always ask me that when you should know the answer! Our friend is dead! You guys are over here moving on with your lives, but how! How can you move on when John B is dead!" JJ started to cry slightly and Kiara went over to him and hugged him.

"JJ, I'm sorry," said Pope.

"It's no use," said JJ. "Everything you guys say won't help anything, and now they aren't even trying to find him." I watch JJ break down in Kiara's arms. I haven't seen JJ like this since the hot tub incident, and even though that felt like ages ago, it really was only like two weeks ago

"JJ I know you don't want to hear this right now, but we can't do anything," I said. "Do you really think four teenagers could try and find two people lost at sea. John B tried and we know how that turned out." Pope nudges me from the side.

"Don't say that to him right now," whispered Pope.

"It's better then to sugar coat it," I whispered back.

"But what if we could," said JJ looking up at me and Pope.

"What? Could what?" Pope asked.

"Find them! If they survived the storm then they could possibly still make it to the Bahamas!" Said JJ. And this is what we were all afraid of. JJ turning into a John B trying time find a dead person.

"JJ... you know the chance that they would even make it to the Bahamas is slim," said Kiara.

"But there is still a chance!" Said JJ as he stood up and started pacing around the room. I eyed Kiara trying to make her do something. If anyone could calm JJ down, it was her.

"JJ, they got lost at sea," said Kiara.

"Yeah, they got lost at sea. That doesn't mean they are dead!" He said.

"Just think about what you are doing. If you go looking for them and you can't find them, then you will be more depressed where you are now," said Kiara.

"I'd rather be more depressed than not look for them at all," said JJ. "Come on guys we are a team. Help me now. First we helped John B with the treasure, and now it's my turn for help. Please."

I looked at Pope and he just showed a confused expression on his face. I then look at Kiara and she just had a worried.

"If we do help you, please don't make it as extreme as John B did. We don't want you dead as well," said Pope.

"As long as you guys help me," said JJ. "I promise." We all knew we couldn't back down now, cause if we did, then JJ would do this by himself. And JJ doing something by himself is never good.

"We will help you," I said. Kiara and Pope nodded in agreement.

"I guess the first step to this mess is getting the HMS Pogue out of the marsh," said Kiara.

"Why do they keep starring," I said as Pope drove our boat out of the marsh. We were close enough to the shore that I could tell that people were still looking at us. I mean it's been a week! Give us a break.

"I don't know but it's annoying me," said JJ.

"I'll bring this boat to the dock as fast as I can so people can stop looking at us," said Pope. After Pope said that, a thought came into mind. I motioned first Kie to come sit next to me.

"What?" She whispered in my ear.

"I need to talk to you about something," I whispered.

"Okay, what is it?" She asked.

"JJ, you definitely like him. You are the only one who can comfort him," I whispered. "And I just want to actually know if you like him or not."

"Hazel..." groaned Kiara. "I don't like him. I'm just trying to be a good friend."

"Fine, but like I said before. Once you two get married, imma say I told you so," I whispered.

"What are you two talking about?" Asked JJ.

"Nothing," said Kiara. Pope looked at me asking for answers. I mouthed 'I'll tell you later'.

"Okay then," said JJ suspiciously. For the rest of the ride we just enjoyed the scenery. We haven't been out on the water since John B and Sarah.

"And we've made it back to home base!" Said Pope as he parked the HMS Pogue at the dock. We all got off and just sat at the dock admiring the view.

Although we were now trying to find John B, life felt normal. I know it'll never be fully normal because a person from our squad is gone, but this is probably the most normal I'll get. I just hope when we don't find John B that JJ doesn't get worse.

I just want to say thank you guys so much for 2k reads!

Also I'm going to start regular posted soon!!

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