Chapter 29

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Hazel's POV

"Hey you two!" Yelled Rafe from behind us. Me and Pope looked back and saw Rafe walking towards us. Well shit. Me and Pope quickly stood up.

"What do you want," said Pope as he slightly stood in front of me.

"I just want to talk," said Rafe as he finally reached us.

"Then talk," I said. I wasn't about to waste my words on Rafe.

"Actually Hazel, I wanted to talk you alone," said Rafe. I was about to say something when Pope butted in.

"Why would you want to talk to her alone? What do you have to talk about?" Asked Pope protectively.

"Dude, I just came here for a nice conversation. So Hazel, can I talk to you?" Asked Rafe again. I looked between him and Pope. I knew Pope didn't want me to go, but I was very curious why Rafe would even want to talk to me.

"I'll go with you," I said. I could tell Pope was slightly disappointed that I would go, but again, I was curious.

Me and Rafe walked away from Pope to where he couldn't hear our conversation. "So why do you have to talk to me?" I asked as I folded my arms.

"Look, I'm just going to keep this short and sweet," began Rafe. "You were there at the plane when everything went down, and I don't want people to know what I did. So can you not tell anything me."

Was he actually serious? It's either my friend gets framed for a murder, or a guy I hate gets away with murder. Like does he actually think I wouldn't tell anyone?

"No," I scoffed.

"No?" Said Rafe as he shot me a glare.

"No Rafe, I'm not going to cover for you. If someone asks me who killed Peterkins, I'm not going to say my best friend," I said. If looks could kill, I'd be 6ft under the ground.

"Don't tell anyone and you'll be fine. But if you do, you're dead," said Rafe.

"So your threatening me now? What the fuck! What about the nice conversation!" I said.

"It would've been if you just agreed to lie to the cops, I mean even if you do say I did it, they wouldn't believe you," said Rafe. I hated that Rafe was right. No matter who I say killed Peterkin, they'll still think John B did it. The sad thing was, it would be because he is a Pogue. The poors, troublemakers.

"Can I just leave cause we are obviously not getting anywhere with this conversation," I said obviously annoyed.

"Just keep what I said in mind," said Rafe as he turned away. Once Rafe was gone Pope immediately ran over to me.

"What'd he want?" Asked Rafe.

"He was just being a douche. Since I was at the plane when Peterkins got shot, Rafe wanted to make sure I didn't tell the police," I said.

"Did he keep it to a nice conversation at least?" Asked Pope.

"Well I mean.. no," I said. "He kinda threatened me saying that if I did tell the police that I would be dead, but like it don't think he would actually kill me."

"Why can't he just leave us alone," groaned Pope as he grabbed my hands. "Come on let's go back and see what the others are doing."

I nodded as me and Pope both left the beach hand in hand. Although I didn't want to think about Rafe, he was all I could think about. I mean, he is just so stupid to the point where it scares me. Like I feel like he could actually kill me if he wanted to. As long as it's protecting his dad.

"Hazel? You okay?" Asked Pope knocking me out of my trance. I looked around and saw that we were getting closer to John B's place.

"Oh sorry yeah," I said. Pope eyed me weirdly but didn't say anything else about it. We continued to walk to JB's just talking about random stuff. Nice conversations, not ones that had to do with death and someone missing at see.

"There you guys are! I've been looking for you guys everywhere," said JJ as me and Pope approached the house. He was with Kiara. I still ship it.

"Sorry, we went surfing," said Pope as we both put our boards on the ground since we were outside in the back.

"Why were you looking for us?" I asked.

"I got us a map to the Bahamas," said JJ as Kiara handed him a map. He laid it down on a table, and we all looked at it.

"How'd you find it?" Asked Pope as he examined the map.

"Me and JJ went to some thrift store and found it," said Kiara speaking up. "Even though we kinda already know our way to the Bahamas, we thought it would still be good to have a map."

"Wow! Putting your brains into work," I laughed.

"Oh shut up," said JJ as he rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I think we should go to the Bahamas soon." Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at JJ.

"JJ we can't just leave. We have to prepare," said Pope.

"We can start preparing now! When we set John B out we got everything prepared in like a day," said JJ.

"What about our parents?" I asked. "They'll freak out once they realized that we all went missing."

"Just tell them you'll be away for a little bit. And with food and stuff, we can get that at the Wreck," said JJ. I felt so bad. I didn't realize how desperate he was to find John B until now.

"JJ," said Kiara as he put her hand in JJ's shoulder. "It isn't that easy and you know that."

"But we can do it guys! This is for John B and Sarah. If they are lost at sea, they'll need our help asap," said JJ. Once again, me, Kiara, and Pope all looked at each other. We all knew we couldn't get out of this situation either, cause JJ will leave anyways with or out without us.

"If we do start to put this plan into motion, just promise us one thing. Don't over work yourself," said Pope.

"Dude, I'm not going to," said JJ.

"Then we'll do it," said Me, Kie, and Pope at the same time. For the first time in forever, I saw JJ actually smile. Hopefully when we leave for sea, we come back with a happy JJ and not a depressed one.

This story is slowing coming to an end!

Will they have a happy ending or a sad one?

Stay tuned to find out!

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