Chapter 37

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Hazel's POV

"So you going to tell us how you got here?" Asked JJ in the hotel room.

"There's not much to tell," said John B. "We went over board, then we both woke up on top of our boat. Thankfully we didn't drown."

"Then after we woke up we found a boat and I used the gold as a light so that they could see us," continued Sarah.

"And then they found us and they were able to take us to the Bahamas. We've been here ever since," said John B.

"Dang, I expected a more action packed story. Like stranded at sea for three days," said JJ.

"Would you rather have them stranded at sea or be able to get here safe?" I said. Sometimes JJ's mind concerns me.

"Well obviously I don't want them to die, but like imagine the cool story," said JJ.

"JJ babe, you need help," said Kiara.

"Did you just say babe?" Asked Sarah. Me and Pope tried to hold on our laugh. When you run away from home, you miss a lot of things.

"Uh..." said Kiara not sure what to say.

"What exactly did we miss while we were gone," said John B.

"Me and Kiara are I guess kinda a thing now, said JJ. I've never seen JJ more awkward.

"Just a thing?" Asked John B. Kiara and JJ both nodded.

"I call bullshit. I saw you two on the boat together, you have to be more then just a thing," I said.

"Yeah you two have kinda been all over each other this entire trip," said Pope.

"We are taking it slow," said Kiara. "We don't want to rush things."

We then started to have a little chat about everything that's happened in all of our lives. Even though they were only gone for like two weeks, a lot happened.

"Wait!" Said Pope out of nowhere. "Did we forget the real reason why we wanted to go to the Bahamas?"

"What?" I asked actually confused on what Pope was getting at.

"We wanted to find the gold," said Pope.

"Oh shit, I totally forgot about the gold," said JJ.

"What if we told you that we already have it," said John B making all of our heads to snap towards his direction.

"Do you have it?" Asked Kiara. John B ignored her and went to a cabinet in the hotel room. He opened the cabinet was a safe.

"Boom," said JB as he opened up the safe. We all went over to him to see what was in it.

"The gold," whispered Pope. Inside the safe was surprisingly, gold. How the hell did they even get that with just the two of them.

"How'd you do it?" I asked. Getting highly secured gold by Ward doesn't seem easy especially with only two people.

"Well I was supposed to come down here with my dad anyways so some of the workers didn't realize that I wasn't supposed to be down here anymore," said Sarah. "So this worker let's me in and then I snuck John B in. We then just found the gold. It was in plain sight."

"We obviously didn't get all of it, but we got enough to make us rich. There was only a little bit of gold that we didn't get," said John B.

"Wow," said JJ. They were actually able to get the gold. I was surprised but also not surprised at the same time. I mean JB and Sarah are two really tough people.

"Now what?" Asked Kiara. "I mean these people will know you two took the gold. They're going to come and look for you guys."

"We could go back home?" Said John B.

"But is it even safe for you guys to come back?" Said Kiara.

"Well I mean they practically closed the case on John B. They think him and Sarah are dead," said Pope. "If anything they might be a little relieved."

"But then after they are relieved, they are just going to blame John B again for the murder," I said.

"But here's the thing. Ward is being questioned now for the murder of Big John. They may believe us more now especially if Sarah says stuff," said JJ as we all looked at Sarah. As much as I didn't want to admit it, Sarah was kinda our only hope.

"Would you do that?" Asked Kiara. Sarah looked at all of us nervously. The position she's in is a really hard one. Would she really through her family under the bus for her friends?

"As much as I don't want to, it's the only reasonable thing to do," said Sarah. "I mean Rafe and my Dad killed somebody." We all sighed in relief happy that we have a pretty big chance of police believing us.

"So you really think we should go back home?" Asked John B.

"Yeah, it's the only reasonable thing to do," said JJ. Even though John B and Sarah weren't as gone as we hoped they would be. At least they are coming back home now.

I just want to start off by saying I'm so sorry for not updating. School started and I'm just trying to focus on that right now.

I also want to say that I'm sorry that this chapter is so short. I didn't know what else to add.

But I will finish this story hopefully sometime soon. Again I'm sorry.

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