Chapter 11

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Hazel's POV

Once we got to midsummers, we all went to the back of Heywards truck to unload stuff. Pope and his dad were arguing about college or something.

"If one of these rich kids mess up, they will still go to college," said Heyward.

"I know I got to do better," said Pope as he unloaded stuff.

"If you end up like me, I'll consider that a personal failure. So just keep it in check," said Heyward. I helped Pope bring a box down to the ground.

"You need to wake the hell up, and start by picking better friends. The only good one you have is Hazel," said Heyward. Some guy came up to us and started to talk to Heyward. Me and Pope kept unloading stuff though.

"He is just trying to look out for you," I said.

"He doesn't have to criticize me though," said Pope.

"You'll be grateful for it one day," I said.

"You two!" Said Heyward as he came back up to us. "Let's go set everything up!" We brought all of the food to our grilling area. Doing this was like my workout for the week. It was so heavy. Heyward got the grill going, and once that was done, me and Pope started to put stuff on it.

"It's so hot outside!" I groaned.

"Deal with it," said Pope. I just looked at him. Usually if he says stuff like that he laughs, but this time it was cold.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah," said Pope. I decided to leave that conversation at that. I'm assuming he is still mad about his dad yelling at him. We got right back to grilling, but that didn't last long because Kie came up to us.

"Excuse me, do we have to shuck these ourselves?" Said Kiara in a British accent. "It might mess up my costume."

"Dang you look hot!" I said.

"That accent was bad," said Pope.

"I know it was," laughed Kiara. "Have you ever seemed this much kooks in one place?"

"No," I groaned. "And I wish I never did."

"Hey have you heard from JJ," said Pope. I feel like such a bad friend right now. I kinda forgot that JJ got arrested.

"No, he'll be alright though," said Kiara.

"And Pope don't feel guilty again," I said. "Topper almost killed you." Suddenly, everyone started clapping. I looked over and saw Ward, Rose, Sarah, and Rafe coming outside. That family makes me sick.

"She is definitely going to poke someone's eye out with that," said Pope talking about Rose's head piece.

"How is that even comfortable," I said.

"Hey!" Said Heyward. "Can you guys not slack off."

"Sorry," I said as I got back to work.

"Well I'm going to leave you guys back to your work," said Kiara as she walked off.

"Do you know where John B is?" I asked Pope. "I haven't seen him in like two days."

"I have no idea," Pope said. We continue to work until I couldn't take it anymore.

"I have to go to the bathroom," I said. "I'll be right back!" I took off to the bathroom. In all honesty I didn't have to go, the grill was making me to sweaty and I needed a break.

"Woah Hazel. What are you doing here?" Asked JJ as he was dressed like a waiter.

"I could ask you the same thing?" I said confused. "What are you doing?"

Golden Hour \\ Outer BanksOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora