Chapter 15

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Hazel's POV

We left Sarah and Kiara on that boat about eight hours ago. Not much happened in that eight hours, we all went our separate ways. Well that was until my mom wanted me to help Heyward and Pope with their business. And that's what I was doing right now, I was on my way to Heywards.

"Hey Hazel," said Pope as I walked inside the shop.

"Hello," I said. "So what exactly am I going to do. My mom didn't tell me anything just that I have to help you guys."

"We have to put together food to give to the kooks," said Pope.

"Wait... you going to drop off stuff for them even what happened last time?" I asked. Pope almost got arrested last time, and I don't want to see that again.

"No!" Said Pope. "My Dad is going to."

"That's a more safe option," I laughed as I grabbed a bag.

"I need those done in an hour," said Heyward as he walked buy us.

"They'll be done," said Pope. We started to put food and shit into the bags.

"Why do we have to do this for the kooks, I mean are they that lazy that they can't just come over here and get food themselves," I said as I finished off my first bag.

"It's just how the kooks work. We can't do anything," said Pope as he finished is second bag. He was a lot faster then me.

"It's unfair," I said.

"Life is unfair," said Pope. I didn't know what else to say so I stopped talking, and tried to get my last bag done. Putting these orders together isn't hard so I was done pretty fast, alongside with Pope.

"Now what," I said. "I wanna do something. I don't have Kiara to hang out with anymore since we basically kidnapped her."

"I have an idea," said Pope as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise," said Pope as we kept walking. I followed him even though I had no idea where he was so determined to go to.

"Why are we walking so fast?" I asked Pope.

"Because I don't want to miss it," said Pope I looked at Pope confused. What at 7 o'clock at night would he miss? I continued to follow Pope until I realized what was happening. It looked like we were walking close to the docks, and it's 7.

"Are you showing me the sunset?" I said with a smile.

"You'll have to wait and see," said Pope as he smiled back. By the look on his face, I knew that I got it right.

And I did in fact end up right. Pope lead me to the docks where sunsets were best. We sat down on the dock and let our feet touch the water.

"How romantic," I said as I held Pope's hand.

"When we were bagging up the stuff I realized that I never really took you on a date," said Pope. "I would've taken some place better but it's 7 so I really can't."

"Well I think this is perfect. Watching sunsets is a perfect first date," I said.

"I don't know if you are being sarcastic for not," Pope said.

"Pope! I'm not being sarcastic," I laughed. "I'm being serious when I say that this is a good first date."

"This is just good? Wow earlier you said perfect," said Pope as he turned the other way.

"Oh my god!" I said as I grabbed his head and made his turn back my way. "Stop being so dramatic!" We obviously we're both joking.

"Your cute," said Pope out of the blue.

"Thank you," I said. Pope then kissed me. It was a sweet but gentle kiss, but it was all I need to know that Pope actually cared for me.

"What was that for?" I said.

"That was for being the best girlfriend that I've ever had," said Pope.

"I'm your only girlfriend," I said.

"Well I mean I did date someone in like kindergarten," said Pope. I just bursted out laughing.
"What?" Pope asked confused.

"I think it's funny that you think kindergarten relationships count," I laughed.

"It's better than nothing," laughed Pope. "But that's besides the point Hazel. I do love you." I just stared at Pope. Did he just say love? Am I even ready to love someone?

"I didn't mean to say that..." said Pope as he realized what he just said.

"Uh... I-I gotta go," I said as I quickly stood up and ran away. It's not that I don't love Pope, it's just the commitment.

I ran away crying. Hearing Pope call out for me didn't help as well. I had to be alone so I did the best thing I could think off.

I had a secret hide out that only Pope knows about. Pope probably will check here, but I'll at least get like twenty minutes alone. My hide out was this little cave thing dude along the beach. It was soothing to watch the waves, and being here always made my troubles go away.

I know I should've ran away like that, running doesn't solve anything. I panicked. Pope is a great guy and hearing him say that he loves me, it scared me. Sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough for him and what if I slow him down? What if we both don't get the scholarship to Merit?

"Hazel?" I heard a voice call out. I knew that voice. That was Pope. I didn't know if I should run or not, but I was to late. Pope spotted me.

"Hazel, I'm sorry," said Pope as he walked over to me. "I didn't mean to blurt it out like that, but I do love you."

"Pope... we have been dating for only like a week and a half. How can you already love me," I cried.

"But I've liked you way longer than that. I've loved you since like two months ago, Hazel," said Pope.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"What?" Asked Pope confused. "Sorry for what?"

"For not saying it back cause Pope I do love you as well, I just got scared," I said. "I also feel like I'm not good enough for you."

"Hazel, you will always be good enough for me. Don't ever feel like you aren't," said Pope. "Wait... did you just say that you loved me back?"

"Yeah I did," I smiled. Pope smiled as well. He grabbed my hand as he helped me stand up. He then picked me up bridal style and kissed me.

"You're perfect for me," said Pope.

Sorry that this chapter was kinda short, I didn't really know what to do in it.

Also thank you guys so much for 1k reads!!

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