Chapter 32

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Hazel's POV

About an hour ago we left the shore. We were now in the middle of the ocean with no piece of land in sight. So if the boat were to sink, we would be very dead. Also, since Pope was the best at looking at maps, he was the one driving.

"Anyone hungry?" Asked JJ.

"JJ I told you to eat before we left," said Kiara. "I don't want to waste food." They then started to argue about why JJ should've ate before we left.

"Do you think they'll end up together?" I asked Pope. I knew that Kie and JJ were to busy arguing to hear me, so I didn't have to whisper.

"Probably," said Pope.

"I mean look at them! They are already fighting like a married couple," I laughed. Pope looked between Kiara and JJ and started to laugh with me. They were definitely a married couple.

"What are you guys laughing about?" Asked JJ. Me and Pope looked back at Kie and JJ and saw that they weren't talking anymore.

"Nothing," I said trying to hold back a laugh.

"It was obviously something funny cause even Pope laughed," said Kiara.

"What's that supposed to mean," gasped Pope. "I laugh."

"When your high," laughed JJ. I glared at JJ for making me think about that horrible memory again.

"Okay, no but seriously. What were you two laughing about," said Kiara.

"Kie, think about the conversation we had on the way to the Wreck yesterday getting food," I said. Kiara looked at me confused, but after ten seconds her mouth dropped.

"Oh my god Hazel! Get over yourself! Not going to happen," said Kiara as she rolled her eyes.

"Am I missing something? What happened?" Asked JJ.

"You don't want to know," said Kiara. JJ looked between me and Kiara then turned his attention to Pope.

"What are they talking about?" Asked JJ looking Pope in the eye. Oh fuck you JJ! Everyone knows Pope is a terrible liar.

"Nothing," lied Pope as he did some steering things with the boat.

"You were laughing Pope, so what were you laughing about?" Asked JJ again.

"It's non of your business," said Pope.

"Everyone else but me knows what it is. So why not tell me. It's not going to hurt anyone," said JJ. Pope looked at me. I glared at him but I guess that didn't work.

"Fine! JJ I'll tell you," said Pope. "Hazel thinks you and Kiara are going to end up together!" I waited for JJ's reaction. His eyes were wide just staring at me.

"You what!" Said JJ. "Hell no, no offense Kie."

"None taken," said Kiara.

"I just think you guys would be cute together," I said.
JJ and Kiara looked at each other and cringed.

"Hazel, how many times do I have to tell you, never going to happen," said Kiara.

"Alright, alright," I said. "I'll back off."

We've been out on the ocean for a while now, and according to Pope, we're going the right way. It was also now nine o'clock so the sun just went down. Pope also just put the anchor down so that we could all relax. We put a bunch of blankets down so we were all laying on those. 

"When we do get to the Bahamas, how do you expect to find John B and Sarah anyways?" I asked JJ although I couldn't see him since Kiara was blocking him from my view.

"Well we will go to the spot I told John B to go to in the Bahamas, and if he's not there then we can just hope for the best," said JJ.

"What if we never find them?" Asked Kiara.

"Then at least we tried," responded JJ.

"You know I had my doubts about this whole trip thing, but the closer we get to the Bahamas the more hopeful I am," said Pope.

"That's my boy!" Laughed JJ.

"I just don't want to get my hopes but and then not find them," said Kiara.

"Same like the police lost their boat, I feel like out of everyone the police should be the last person to lose the boat," I said.

"Don't be Debbie downers," groaned JJ. No one said anything else. We all just started to look at the stars in silence. In the middle of the ocean you can really see them since there isn't any light pollution. Being the fat ass I am, I decided to sit up.

"Anyone want a snack I'm hungry," I said.

"Between you and JJ, we won't have any food by the end of this trip," said Kiara. I ignored her and went to the box of food.

"Give me one of those granola bars," said JJ. I looked through the box and food them, passing one to JJ and keeping one for myself to eat. I then closed the box back up and stored it away.

"Any one tired?" Asked Pope.

"No old man," said JJ.

"You weren't the one steering the boat the whole day," said Pope. I finished up eating my bar so I threw it away in the trash can thing we brought.

"Go to bed then," said Kiara.

"I don't want to be lame," said Pope.

"You being lame was already established a long time ago," said JJ. I started to laugh at his remark. That was pretty funny if you ask me.

"Well then if that was already established, then I'm going to go to bed," said Pope as he turned around so he was in his side. "Don't be to loud."

"Well now that the old man is asleep, let's party!" Said JJ yelling the last part.

"JJ did you not hear what Pope said. Don't be loud," I said.

"Wow we have an old lady as well," said JJ. And idea instantly popped in my head.

"Now that you say that I actually am pretty tired," I said. "I'm going to go to bed as well. Goodnight guys." I turned around so I wasn't facing them. I wasn't actually going to sleep. I was going to fake it though to listen in on JJ and Kiara's conversation. I wanted to see if there really was chemistry between the two when no one is looking.

"Finally the old people are asleep," scoffed JJ.

"Don't be mean," laughed Kiara. Aw, she is laughing already.

"Anyways, I wanted to talk about what Hazel said before," said JJ. Oh shit! Here we go.

"What about it?" Asked Kiara.

"Do we really act like we would be a good couple?" Asked JJ. There was one thing we all know about JJ. He doesn't do long term relationships, only hookups. So when I said that they would be cute together, I could see why that might bother him.

"JJ, don't think to hardly about it," said Kiara.

"Do I do something please don't be mad at me," said JJ.

"I won't," said Kiara. I felt someone move and then silence. I turned around from where I was laying and my eyes widened. This is not a drill! JJ and Kiara are kissing!

"Holy shit!" I said causing the two to break up and look at me. Well them getting together happened faster than I thought.

"Hazel," said JJ. "What are you doing awake?"

"Oh no, we shouldn't be worrying about me right now. What did I just see," I said.

"Uh," said Kiara as she looked back at JJ. "I guess we kissed." From the look on their faces, I knew they liked the kiss. What can I say, I'm always right.

Sorry that the ending to this chapter was very rushed!

I was having a lot of writers block with it, but I hope you still liked it!

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