Chapter 25

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Hazel's POV

We were able to get the Phantom to the dock, but we had one problem. John B was no where to be found. We know he didn't get caught because the police are still looking for him, but something is obviously wrong cause he wouldn't just ditch us.

"Dude, where is he?" Said Kiara.

"Give him a second, he'll be here," said Pope. Also, me and Pope haven't really said a word to each other since the attack.

"He's coming, he'll be fine," said JJ. As JJ said that, a cop car approached us. Oh shit, here is where we go to jail.

"Hey, get back on the boat!" Said JJ to me and Kiara since we were on the dock. Before any of us could panic any further, John B stepped out of the cop car.

"Jesus Christ," I said relieved.

"No way," laughed JJ. "You've gotta be kidding me."

"Shoupe let me take it for a spin," said John B.

"Okay, that's believable. I'll buy it for now," said Kiara as she hugged John B.

"It wasn't easy bro, but I got the phantom for you, and she still runs like she was made yesterday," said JJ as he tossed the keys to JB.

"Where's Sarah?" I asked. "Isn't she supposed to be with you?" John B turned around to look at me.

"No, we got separated at the swamp. She said she would met me here," said John B as he slightly started to panic.

"No, we haven't seen her," said Pope.

"Well I'm not leaving without her," said JB.

"John B, I know you feel bad for leaving, but there's no time," said JJ. "You've got plenty of gas, food. Once you get around that point, it's a straight shot across the sound to Dismal Swap, okay? Once you get there, lay low. Hang out for a couple of weeks, then go overland, cross the border at Brownsville. You got that?"

"Yeah, yeah Brownsville," said John B. I could tell he was sad that his girlfriend wouldn't be coming with him.

"Alright, let's do this," said JJ. John B walked on the boat then faced us with tear in his eyes.

"I'm sorry for basically throwing us off the cliff with this whole treasure hunt thing," cried John B. Seeming him cry made me start to tear up. I hate it went the people I love the most cry.

"Hey, John B, we were bound to run off a cliff at some point," said JJ. "At least we're did it together though." JJ put his arm around Pope, and Kiara did the same to me and JJ. "Pogue style," said JJ.

"Pogue style," John B repeated.

"Get out of here, please," said Kiara.

"Now, we'll see you in two months down in Mexico," said Pope.

"Love you," said JJ.

"John B, if you get convicted of murder again. Don't dragged me along," I laughed as I wiped a tear from my eye.

"No promises," laughed John B as he turned around. He quickly turned back around though with even more tears then before. "Tell Sarah I said goodbye, okay?" We all nodded. John B then went inside the boat and started her up.

We all stood there and watched John B drive away. I kept reminding myself that in two months we would all be reunited again. Once John B was out of our sight, JJ and Kiara started to walk away slightly leaving me and Pope alone.

"You okay?" I asked Pope breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry for acting like a dumbass," said Pope. "I was just upset and I was acting petty." He kept rambling on and on.

"It's okay," I said. "I forgive you. You were going through a lot." I went to hug him, but Pope stopped me and brought my face to his. That's one way to tell someone you are sorry. I smiled into the kiss, happy that me and Pope were fine again. After the kiss, me and Pope just smiled at each other.

"Hey, guys sorry to ruin the party, but we gotta go right now," said JJ as sirens approached us. JJ ran back into the car with me Pope and Kiara following. We were a little to slow though cause we ended up getting corned by the police. Pope stood in front of my in a protective manor as we all put our hands up.

"We're to late. He's gone," said Shoupe as he got out of his car. A SBI dude walked past us and onto the dock like he was going to find John B there.

"All right," said Shoupe. "Where the hell is he?" After we didn't answer he repeated himself again. "JJ? I see you are living up to your name," said Shoupe. He then turned to Pope. "Pope, what about you. You can do the right thing now! Where'd he go!"

"Don't say a thing," I whispered into Pope's ear.

"What'd you say?" Said Shoupe as he looked at me.

"Nothing," I said.

"Well since these kids aren't going to say anything, let's bring them in," said Shoupe.

All four of us where put in the back of a cop car. Never thought I would ever be in on of these. I always promised my parents that I would never get involved with the law, and look where I'm at now.

The cops drove all of us to this tent thing along the shore. Everyone was working trying to find John B. Also, the sky has gotten a lot darker due to the storm. I just hope that the Storm doesn't interwind with JB.

Shoupe brought all four of us inside a tent where he instructed us to sit down. Shoupe left is leaving this guy here with a really big gun. Pope grabbed my hand making me look at him. One good thing came out is this day. Pope.

Sorry that this chapter is so short. I just went the next chapter to me dedicated all to John B and Sarah.

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