Chapter 42

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Hazel's POV

Yesterday was one of the best days in my entire life. John B was finally found innocent. After everything we have been through, he was innocent. After the island heard the news they were no longer scared to see us in the streets. Even though this only happened a day ago, things were finally starting to feel normal again.

"What happens now?" I asked Pope. Me and him were both in his room is cuddling on his bed.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, we both didn't get our scholarship," I said. Pope didn't say anything else. After awhile I started to get concerned so I looked up at him and he just had a smirk in his face.

"What? This isn't funny," I said.

"Don't worry," Pope said. "My dad called the people and after they heard what happened they said that they will give us both a second chance." I stared at Pope in shock. I didn't think they could do that.

"Actually?" I asked still I'm disbelief.

"Yes," laughed Pope. I started to laugh with him as well as I held his tighter against me. I swear if he wasn't in my life, I'd be lost.

"A little tight there," laughed Pope as he tried to pull my hands away from his waist. It only resulted in me tightening my grip on him.

"You gotta work harder than that," I said with a smirk. Without hesitation, Pope flipped me over so that I was under him and he was on top of me. My eyes widened in surprise.

"Two can play at that game," said Pope. Game on. Like he did with me, I quickly flipped us over once again to were I was on top of him this time.

"Dang you're stronger then I remember," said Pope in surprise.  I just rolled my eyes and kissed him softly before rolling off of him.

One thing about our relationship is that it wasn't that sexual. We didn't need a sexual relationship to know that we both love each other. Our relationship was more of just cute little things like cuddling and doing cute stuff. Obviously sometimes things get a little steamy, but that's every relationship.

"So what's the game plan for today?" I asked. It was around two in the afternoon and we haven't done anything yet.

"I think everyone is relaxing honestly," said Pope. "It's been awhile since everyone has had a relaxing day."

"I guess you're right," I said as I sat up on Popes bed. "Did you ever get your computer to work?" I kinda forgot that his computer stopped working after the power went back on.

"Yeah, my dad said that when we were in the Bahamas that he fixed it," said Pope.

"Oh thank the lord. You were really getting on my nerves about that," I sighed. Pope just laughed as he got out of his bed. I looked at him in confusion as he went to his closet. I just sat on his bed waiting for him to come out.

"Want to surf?" Asked Pope as he walked out of the closet with both of his surf boards in his hand. I usually just keep my board over here since the majority of the time I'm over here anyways.

"Hell yeah!" I said as I jumped off the bed and took my board from Pope's hand. "We haven't done this in awhile."

"And it's the perfect day to anyways. It's not like we are going to be doing anything else," said Pope.

"My swimsuits still here, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll get it out for you," said Pope as he went back inside his closet. When he came back out, he had my swimsuit in one hand and his in his other hand.

"Thank you," I said as I took suit from him. We both changed in his room, and when we were done changing I quickly put some shorts on over my bottoms.

"Let's go!" I said once we were both done. We put boards in hand, we left Pope's house after quickly saying bye to him mom. His dad was working so we didn't see him.

"Deja vu at its finest," I said as we started walking to the beach.

"What do you mean?" Asked Pope.

"The last time we did this everyone was staring at us cause we were friends with, what everyone thought was, a murderer," I said.

"Oh yeah. That wasn't fun at all," laughed Pope.

"At least now this time people don't think are friend is a murderer," I said.

"I'm so happy all that stuff is done with," said Pope. "It was not how I wanted to spend my summer."

"I don't think anyone would want to spend their summer running from the police," I laughed. For the rest of the way to the beach, me and Pope just talked about small little things. I'm just happy we can now really have a relationship and not having finding treasure interfere with it.

"Is that John B and Sarah?" Asked Pope. I looked up and sure enough, there was John B teaching Sarah how to surf.

"Oh my god," I laughed. Me and Pope both ran over to where JB and Sarah were.

"This is not as easy as you guys make it look," laughed Sarah once she saw us coming over.

"Maybe if you didn't freak out over the littlest things, it wouldn't be so hard," said John B.

"Oh give her a break. I remember when I was first learning and I sucked," I said.

"You were so bad," laughed Pope.

"I'm surprised you even want to learn. You don't seem like the surfing type," said Pope.

"I'm not, that's why I'm so bad," said Sarah.

"Where is Kie and JJ?" I asked.

"I don't know. They said they wanted to be by themselves," said John B.

"Gross," I cringed.

"Well while you two fight over surfing, me and Hazel are going to actually surf," said Pope. Sarah and John B both rolled their eyes at us.

After that, me and Pope both ran into the water and started surfing. It felt good to be back surfing. I really needed to do this after everything that happened.

I looked over at Pope and saw how happy he was. He was my everything and I'm just so happy he is actually my boyfriend now. We have been friends for so long and it's just crazy to me that he is my actual boyfriend now. My life was complete and I wouldn't change anything about it...

And that was the end!!

I know it wasn't the best story but if you stuck around to the end, thank you so much!!

And if you want to stick around for the epilogue you can as well!

Thank you!!

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