Chapter 41

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Hazel's POV

I never thought this day would ever come. Me, Kira, Sarah, and Rafe were currently walking out of their house to find the boys. I'll be honest, I never though Rafe would actually agree to turning himself in.

"Everything go okay?" Asked John B as him and the other to got out of the bush they were hiding in. Once they came face to face with us, then stopped in their tracks and just looked at Rafe.

"Why is he with you guys?" Asked JJ.

"He agreed to turning himself in," said Sarah. All three boys looked stunned. Guess they were also thinking what I was thinking.

"Actually?" Asked Pope.

"They knocked some sense into me I guess," said Rafe as he nervously scratched the back of his neck.

We all just stood there in silence. If I knew bringing Rafe out was going to be so awkward, I wouldn't of done it.

"So are we going to go to the station and turn him in now?" Asked JB.

"Yeah, let's just get it over with," said Kiara as she started to walk away from everyone.

"Wait!" Said Sarah causing Kie to turn back around.
"Rafe, is there a car we can take there? I don't feel like walking."

"Yeah, follow me," sigh Rafe as he started to walk back towards his house. We all walker inside the garage and was amazed by everything. This is what it feels like to be rich. There were about two cars and they both looked pretty fancy.

"Let's take this one since Rose would probably kill me if I took the other one," Said Rafe as he walked over to this SUV car. We all got in, and John B drove since we couldn't necessarily trust Rafe behind the wheel.

The ride to the police station was a very quite one. I guess it was all just settling in that if Rafe still goes with the plan, we could all be free. I just really hope Rafe doesn't chicken out.

"Did you guys ever get the gold?" Asked Rafe.

"Yeah we got some of it, but it's enough," said Sarah as Rafe sighed.

"I'm sorry for making everything worse. If I didn't shoot Peterkins and just let her arrest our dad, none of this would be happening," said Rafe.

"Rafe, he's our dad. I can see why you would want to protect him," said Sarah. "I forgive you, I just wish you didn't blame in on John B. You could've turned yourself in right away."

"We were talking about this in the house. I was scared," said Rafe.

"Sorry to break you two out of your conversation, but we're here," said John B. I looked up and saw the station in front of us. Last time I was here it did not end well.

"Are we all going to go in together?" I asked.

"If we are all there with Rafe, I feel like it would be more believable," said JB. "So yeah, let's go." All of us slowly got out of the car. It would seem like this would be an exciting time, but it really wasn't. I guess it's just because once this is all over, this entire summer trying to find this treasure is all over. Even though being chased by the police was bad, it's was still exciting.

As we walked into the station, everyone looked at us. There were a lot of people here and it seemed like people already tried to tell the police we were back.

"Put your hands in the air," said an officer as he pointed a gun at John B. I looked over at Rafe to see if he would do something, but he seemed just frozen in his spot. Kiara seemed to notice as well because she nudged him. He looked back at us and nodded.

"Officer," said Rafe. The officer looked his way with him gun still pointed at John B. "He didn't do anything. He didn't shoot Peterkin." Everyone in the station just stared at us not sure what was really about to happen.

"Then who did?" Said the officer. No one said anything. It was just silence. "Let me ask this again. Who did."

"I did," said Rafe slowly. Even though I hate Rafe, I still felt bad for the guy. He did this to himself, but actually confessing must be hard.

"You shot Perterkins?" Said the officer in disbelief as he started to point his gun Rafe's way.

"She was arresting my father and I didn't know what to do. I blamed John B because I knew you would believe he did it," said Rafe. The cop looked between John B and Rafe not wanting to believe it himself.

"Arrest him," said the officer to another officer behind him. The cop walked over to Rafe and arrested him.

"John B, Sarah, and Hazel we will need to question you three," said the original officer. The others looked as confused as I did.

"Why me?" I asked.

"You were there at the crime scene so you're a witness," he said. I nodded by head in agreement. I kinda forgot I was there.

One of the police officers grabbed me and brought me into this interrogation room. I was getting deja video from when everything first happened and they had to question me.

"You were at the crime scene when it happened. So in the least biased way, who is telling the truth," the officer said.

"Rafe, he shot her when she was arresting Ward," I said. "I mean even ask Sarah. This is her brother we are talking about and she is going to say the same thing as me." The officer just nodded.

"If you knew John B was innocent then why did you send them away?" The officer asked.

"Because we knew you would trust the Cameron's over us. John B didn't want to go to jail for something he didn't do, so he knew the only way to freedom is leaving."

"How did you get Rafe to confess. I know he is a stubborn guy," he said jumping right to the next question.

"We went to the Cameron's house and kinda guilt tripped him into telling the truth," I said.

"What exactly did you say?"

"We said how Sarah was back now and she could tell the truth. And then we said stuff about how Rafe wants Sarah happy and he happiness is John B."

"Who all confront Rafe? Was it everyone?" The officer asked.

"No, it was just me, Kiara, and Sarah. The boys stayed outside of the house," I said as I shook my head. The officer nodded and stood up.

"That was all I needed to ask you so you can go back to your friends," he said. I sighed in relief and got up as well. Jesus Christ the cops make me nervous.

"So what'd they say?" Asked Pope as he kissed me.

"They just asked how we confronted Rafe basically," I said. As I said that John B and Sarah both came up to us.

"They believe us. They said all of our stories lined up so they said I wasn't guilty," said John B.

"Finally!" Yelled JJ as we all brought it in for a hug. Never though I would see the day where they believed the Pogues.

There will be two more chapters left of this story!

Also I realized that there isn't much romance in this book so I'm sorry for that.
In the book I was more focused on getting John B innocent.

But there will be romance in the next chapter so stay tuned!

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