Chapter 22

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Hazel's POV

We were all currently in a car, hidden, with all of us laying down. We don't want to risk John B being caught. The radio was going and they were only talking about John B, so Kiara turned it off. Police cars were also driving by the area.

"Who are the cops going to believe," said JJ. "Ward Cameron, or us? The accuser is a big shot developer and the accused is John B, who is basically a homeless 16 year old boy."

"Shit," said Pope from beside me.

"So we basically got no luck," I said.

"We have one way," said JJ as he smoked. "We got to get you off the island."

"The ferry. It's the only way," Pope added.

"Exit stage left while you still can," said JJ. Cop cars started to drive but again.

"Guys just get down," said Kiara as we all sunk down in our seats. This is what our life has turned into.

Our only option was to drive to the ferry, so we drove down there with John B still laying down. Once we got the ferry, Pope got out and inspected the place. Pope then quickly walked back to the car very suspiciously.

"Pope, can you act normal?" Said Kiara.

"Bad news guys," Pope began. "The ferry is closed and there is this." Pope handed me and paper and I turned white. John B is wanted. Now everyone on the island is going to be looking for him. I then gave the paper to John B, Kiara, and JJ in the back.

"Well John B, this is a good framer of you," joked JJ. Seriously, we are in a serious situation and he still jokes around.

"Okay so the whole island is now looking for John B," said Pope.

"Congratulations John B. You're famous," said JJ.

"JJ can you not joke around right now," I said. "Our friend is being wanted for something he didn't do."
JJ just ignored me and kept smoking his blunt.

"Guys, we got to get to the HMS. We need small, no running lights," said Kiara before JB interrupted her.

"It's at the Chateau Kie," said Kiara.

"And I wonder if the cops got the entire place staked out," said JJ. "Let me think. Yeah they definitely have that place locked down."

"Hold on, let me think," said Pope. He sat in his seat for one second before he quickly turned around to look at JJ. "JJ, does your dad still have that boat? The cigarette boat, the Phantom. The one he used to race."

"It won't be easy Pope," said JJ. "I don't know where the keys are."

"We'll find them," said Pope as he turned back around to face the wheel. "Why is nobody moving forward!"

"Can you relax?" Said Kiara from the back seat. I have a feeling if Kie wasn't with us right now, we would've all been freaking out. "JJ, how much weed did you give him?"

"Can we move it?" Said Pope as he honked his horn.

"Pope! Calm down! You're not helping here!" I said as I tried to grab his arms to stop him, but he just pulled them back. A boy next to us started to point at our car.

"That guy right there," the boy said.

"Pope turn the car on," said JJ. "We got a snitch." Everyone started to swarm our car realizing that a 25,000 dollar worth guy is in here. The one guys started to get the attention of the police by banging on the car window.

"Pope go!" I said.

"I'm trying!" Said Pope as he kept turning the key. All of us started to freak out by yelling at Pope to turn the car on. The car wasn't turning on though. Suddenly, Pope shot forward hitting the car in front of us.

"Back up," I said. Pope kept going forward.

"The other way!" Yelled Kiara.

"Pope just go!" Said JJ. Pope swerved out of the path of the cars, and started to quickly drive away very recklessly.

"What are you doing?" Yelled Kiara.

"Pope watch out!" I yelled just as we hit a mail box. Pope just started to laugh. Why the hell did we decide to have a high person drive.

"I'm living my best life now!" Laughed Pope.

"I should be the last one to tell you this, but you are not okay to drive. Stop!" Said JJ.

"Thank you JJ," I said. Pope stopped the breaks very abruptly.

"John B get out," said Pope.

"I'll get the rig and I'll meet you tomorrow at the dump," said JJ. "Three o'clock tomorrow at the dumps." John B nodded as he ran out of the car.

"Pope drive," JJ said. Pope started to drive away so that the cops wouldn't go looking for John B, they would go looking for our car.

The sun was now setting and we were still just driving around. Pope was still driving, but this time he was also smoking. If I knew this is what Pope would turn into. I probably wouldn't of dated him.

"Pope, you clocked that car man," laughed JJ.

"I'm just glad I'm not driving now," said Pope. I just glared at Pope. He was definitely driving.

"Pull over!" Said Kiara. Pope turned around a corner and stopped the car. "JJ this isn't funny. He shouldn't be driving." Kiara got out of the backseat and went to the drivers seat. Pope climbed over the seats and hopped in the back seat. Now is was me and Kiara in the front, and JJ and Pope in the back.

"Where are we going?" Asked JJ as Kiara started to drive away.

"The last place they're gonna look," said Kiara. Kiara drove all the way to the Cameron's house. She wanted to get Sarah to help us.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Asked JJ.

"Sarah is the only one who can help us," said Kiara as we started to jump over the gate to get inside their property.

"This is the last place they will look because of how stupid it is," said JJ. We all jumped over the gate, and let's just say that, that gate was very difficult. It was very pokey.

"I've got a plan," said Kiara.

"Let's do the plan thing. Let's get it. Let's plan it out," said a very high Pope.

"Can you even handle a plan right now?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Of course," said Pope. I'm the plan guy. I'm always thinking of a master plan!"

"Shh!" Said Kiara. I covered Pope's mouth to shut him since Pope ignored Kiara.

"This is a quiet plan," I said. Pope nodded his head. "Can I move my hand now?" He nodded again as I took my hand off of his mouth.

"I love you Hazel," Pope blurted out.

"Pope, I know. We already discussed this," I said getting annoyed.

"I'm in love with you," said Pope.

"Pope you are wasted. We already said this to each other," I said.

"Just listen!" Said Pope as he grabbed my arms.

"Pope stop!" I said. "First of all be more quiet. And secondly, fuck you. You don't even remember." Pope just stared at me with hurt in his eyes. It's not my fault though.

"Are we ready for the plan now?" Asked Kiara next to us.

"Yeah," said Pope quietly as he wiped tears from his eyes. I have no idea where me and Pope stand at the moment. I don't know anything anymore.

New update!

I changed up the I love you scene obviously, but I hope you still like it!

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