Chapter 21

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Hazel's POV

He ran. Pope ran. I know I told him to but I thought maybe he would give more of a fight. Now I'm here alone watching the cop car pull up to Sarah, John B, and Ward. I watched as Officer Peterkin got out of the car and pull out a gun. I couldn't hear what they were saying so I tried my best to figure out what was happening.

What happened next surprised me though. Peterkins pointed the gun at Ward. The only thing I know he did was kill Big John. I watched as she arrested Ward. Maybe we will finally be free.

I then saw Peterkins bring her gun back out and shoot. Only I thought she did. Perterkins dropped to the ground and Rafe came from behind the plane with a gun in his hands.

"Rafe!" I yelled as I ran out from behind the fence. They all looked at me in shock.

"Hazel, what are you still doing here?" Asked John B.

"I wasn't just going to leave you behind!" I said as I dropped down to the floor next to Perterkins. John B did the same, we both watched her fight to live. Rafe had the gun pointed to me and John B.

"Call..." Peterkins said. "Call for help." John B grabbed the walkie-talkie causing Rafe to point the gun closer to us.

"Don't try it asshole," said Rafe.

"John B, give me the radio," said Ward.

"No," said John B as he held onto it. Ward still got it from his hands though. I, on the other hand, kept applying pressure to Peterkins wound.

"Run," said Peterkins as she looked at me and John B.

"We can't leave you," I said.

"Run," she repeated. Me and John B looked at each other and got up. We then started to back away slowly causing Rafe to look at us.

"Where are you going!" He yelled. Sarah pushed me and John B away as she went to go to Rafe. Me and John B then both started to run away from the plane. One thing I wasn't doing today is dying.

As me and John B ran side by side, I heard gun shots being fired towards us causing me to run faster. Me and John be finally made it out of the runway area, and started to run through trees.

"Jesus Christ," I said as a tree branch scrapped me in the arm. I kept running after John B though. He was a little ahead of me so I tried my best to keep up.

I watched as John B ran onto the road only to be hit by a car. He rolled off the top, then got back up again and started to run. I ran past the car as the guy got out and yelled at us. I could tell John B was struggling to kept running so I put by arm around him so that he could lean some weight onto me.

We continued to run like this until we made it to the main land where we knew we wouldn't be shot at by Rafe anymore. I don't think he would be that stupid. We then walked over to where we knew the other three would be. As we came into view, Pope spotted up first.

"Hazel!" Pope said causing the other to look at us.

"You good guys!" Said JJ as all three of them ran up to us.

"Oh my god!" Said Kiara. Before either of them could hug us, they noticed the blood on our hands.

"Whose blood is that?" Asked Kiara. Me and John B didn't say anything to scared to expect the fact that Peterkins could be dead. Suddenly, cop sirens and a cop car stroller pasted us. We all hide because we didn't know why it was there and we didn't want to press our luck. That's when I could smell Pope's breath.

"Pope, have you been smoking?" I asked. I then looked over at JJ. "JJ, please tell me you didn't give him."

"Oops," he said. I just glared at him angrily. Great now the brains of the group is high. Just what we needed.

"The sun is setting. I have to do something before it gets to dark," said John B finally speaking up. He got up and started to walk away before we could even ask him what he was planning on doing.

We then got into the car, of course not the van since it was completely shattered at the runway, and John B started to drive us to whatever be needed to do.

"John B, what are we doing at the police station," said JJ. I looked out the window and we were in fact there.

"Somebody's got to tell them what happened," said John B. During the car right here we filled in everyone on what happened at the runway.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" I asked. Before John B could answer, Pope started to have a coughing fit.

"That's what you get for smoking," I said. I was kinda mad at Pope right now since he was smoking. That was something he said he would never do, and he swore by that.

"Easy there chief," said JJ. "Okay JB I just got to tell you something. Like my dad always told me, don't trust the cops."

"I agree with JJ," said Pope. "Fuck the police." I looked at Pope with the biggest glare ever.

"You're going to the dark side now?" Asked Kiara sarcastically reading my thoughts.

"When was the last time the police helped us?" Asked Pope.

"Peterkins looked out for me, all right?" Snapped John B. "They need to know the truth." John B got out of the car and I was about to go with him since I did witness it, but Pope stopped me.

"I may be high, but I'm not letting you go in there," Said Pope as he pulled me back inside the car. I rolled by eyes and reluctantly closed the car door.

"JJ, never give him a blunt ever again," I said.

"He is just trying to I loosen up, okay?" Said JJ. "I mean we just lost the gold and his own girlfriend decided to help John B and not go with him."

"I was just trying to help a friend," I said. "I didn't choose John B over him." Even though I was still mad at Pope, I found it kinda cute that he was jealous over John B. For the rest of the time, we all sat in silence. We all needed it though, it's been hectic the past couple of days.

"Kie! Start the car!" Yelled John B as he ran out of the police station. We all broke out of our trances, and started to panic.

"John B! What did you do!" Yelled Kiara as I pulled John B inside the car.

"The cops!" John B said. "Just go!"

"Shit!" Kiara said as she started the car. The cops started to bang on our windows causing Kiara to drive away very fast. Why can't we just have one day where we don't have to run from the cops!

"What did you do!" Kiara repeated. Of course, John B didn't tell us. John B opened the car door, causing the police officer who was holding off of it to fall to the ground.

"They think I did it," said John B finally in peace.

"What?" I asked making sure I heard him correctly.

"They think I shot Peterkins."

Sorry that I haven't updated in awhile. I got busy with my sisters birthday.

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