Chapter Twenty Three

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Tate's Pov
It felt kinda odd but this sense of just peace ranked through me when my eyes landed on the house that held so many memories of just bliss. Being away from college maybe me really realize how much I missed being back home. Shutting the door to the SUV, I took in one huge breather my shoulders sinking back a little.

I was in that hospital for almost a month was very tiring, I was more then happy to be hoping back on a plane coming back home.

"I see you started gardening Derek." I chuckled flicking my eyes over to him watching him walk around the SUV to grab my duffle bag, slamming the back door shut.  He propped himself so he was leaning against me just slightly also taking in a breather.

"Just something I picked up when I was bored." He chuckled a little gazing at me more.

"How are you feeling? and be honest with me? No more hiding things let's have things out in the open so we can fix them." I held my breath trying to think where my mind was at.

"I don't feel numb anymore like I use to, maybe that's a good thing, maybe that's also a bad thing. But I'm ready to just move on with my life." I gazed at Derek once more small patting his arms.

"That's what I like to hear, your room, should still be the same. Unless anything about you has change?" I gave a quick shake to my head.

"Still have a little space, I still like books, I started playing video games. I still like soft colors but black is a new interesting color." Derek let a small laugh out messing with my hair he walked up the path before me, with me trailing behind him.

He unlocked the front door and stepping in the smell of just warmth hit me.

"Home sweet home." He called out putting his hand on my lower back he guided me inside shutting the door quietly. I cracked a faint smile.

"Home sweet home... "

"Tate! You can't catch us!" Jumping out from behind the couches. I faked a loud roar picking up both Jack and Henry both boys let out the loudest laughs and squeals while I held them both in my arms.

"Oh no you both are being eaten by the monster who shall save you." I snickered playfully nibbling on their cheeks and stomachs making them laugh louder. I smiled happily holding them both in my grip.

"Tate I missed playing with you!" Jack exclaimed at me. I felt Henry was messing with my curly hair interested. 

"Your pretty hair is red." He innocent stated while I chuckled standing back up straight. I carried the two into the kitchen area where JJ and Emily were resting with some drinks.

"I did that earlier today cutie, my hair was getting boring." I chuckled seeing JJ was smiling at the sight.

"I see those two missed you just as much as we did." JJ helped me by taking Henry who was saying he was hungry. I moved Jack so he was getting a piggy back ride instead bouncing him a bit.

"Oh yeah baby sitting these two always made me happy, especially playing monsters and super heros." I chuckled deeply feeling Jack was nuzzling into my neck warming my heart.

The little surprise get together with the team was something that always helped me no matter what. Even if that meant Garcia was babying me with her mom hugs. Aaron and Rossi were giving me a lectures or even just Spencer just talking to me the anxiety could go away.

"What are you gonna do about college?" Emily asked me gently while I kept holding Jack. 

"I'm gonna finish my courses online since that's the best thing right now, then hopeful by the time I finish I'll have my degree." I chuckled.

"I still have three years of college to go, oh the thought is killing me." I whined making the two laugh. I set Jack down after a while, when he demanded me to so he could go see his dad out in the backyard.

While I was chatting with JJ and Emily. I was being back hugged by Spencer quite shocked by his PDA but I didn't mind it. "You guys are always hogging my girlfriend." He whined his head resting in place right on my neck.

"You have plenty of time to see her boy wonder, let us have some girl time." Emily laughed quietly lifting her glass of wine, Spencer started ranting quietly a bit before I pressed a kiss to him cheek making him blush quite quickly.

"You know I missed those little rants of yours babe." He squirmed a bit but nuzzled his head on my neck.

"You know I'm never letting you out of my sight for a while, I'm gonna be clingy." He muttered focused. I let a small gaps out.

"Spencer you cut your hair babe." I laughed in surprise turning around to touch it. He laughed nervously a small pout forming on his face.

"I wanted to keep it long cause I know you loved playing with it, but without you here JJ didn't know how to style it right. " I watched JJ roll her eyes amused.

"Oh yeah blame me. He said I did it wrong and he said and I quote you don't do it like Tate does so he wouldn't let anyone near his hair." I started laughing looking back over at Spencer who rubbed at the back of his neck shyly.

"What its true I'm not being mean." I facepalm gently a little shaking with laughter, Derek's voice calling him back to play poker had Spencer giving me a quick kiss on the cheek going back.

I leaned on the counter watching JJ and Emily interested. Emily messed with her glass more.

"Hey Tate have you ever drank before?" She questioned I gave her a quick shake to my head no. My fingers running at my brown skin slowly.

"No I was too afraid to try it at college, plus I didn't want Derek scolding me for underage drinking." I laughed nervously. Emily shot me a playful look grabbing a glass she poured this white wine in it.

"One glass can't hurt you're almost nineteen anyway. Wine isn't that strong like beer but drinking enough can get you drunk and takes stress away." I blinked taking the glass a little. I glanced back over my shoulder to the backyard where Derek, Rossi, Spencer, Garcia and Jack were while the adults were playing poker.

Jack was messing around with his cars he had brought. Lifting the glass up I took a deep sip the slight bitter liquid slid down my throat but it was followed by some sweetness.

It wasn't as bad as I was expecting it. It tasted... Really good. I drank the rest of it licking my lips I set the glass down this warmth going through me.

"Can I you know maybe have another glass?" I asked with a giggle. Emily chuckled softly at me.

"Sure, told you it's nice." She chuckled pouring me another glass.  Yet again I was drinking it but slower this time. It left this tingle like my problems would go away.

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