Chapter Twenty Nine

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Tate's Pov
Just one more day in a hotel room, felt a little sad to be leaving. I was really getting used to the Las Vegas heat, and the new surroundings that weren't Virginia. I enjoyed being around Spencer's mom, her aura was very serious like but at the same time it was laid back, and didn't make you uncomfortable, I guess that the Reid charm ran through that family.

I could hear the steady snores escaping from his mouth heavy like glancing down at him fast asleep on my chest for once I felt a little useless in this field. I'm sure there was a very bigger reason for the reason he was having headaches like this, and the sooner he saw a doctor for it the quicker he would get better.

For the most part I tried to let him sleep as much as he could at night so he wasn't being bothered by it in the morning. My eyes looked from him for a second running my hands all through out his hair threading through it. The suddenly vibrating from my phone had me focusing on reaching over to grab it scooping it up. answering it.

"Hello? Oh hey JJ." I whispered greeted her, shifting a little making sure not to be loud.

"Hey Tate? Did I wake you I'm sorry, we've been trying to reach Spencer but his phone keeps going straight to voicemail." I looked down, quickly using my free hand to rub at my face.

"Oh yeah sorry JJ he's sleep, and he turned his phone off but I'll wake him up? Is there a case? Our flight leaves in two hours actually so I'll wake him up and will try and get home soon yeah." I heard her light chuckles.

"You are a rockstar Tate, see you soon." I chuckled, before shaking Spencer awake getting quite a small protest, before he was wide awake.

"I'm up, I'm up let's head to the airport, I could hear your conversation." He chuckled weakly rubbing his fingers across his eyes before springing out of bed yawning quietly.

"You all packed baby girl?" I nodded my head half exhausted, I enjoyed the vacation now it was pack to working and balancing out life.

"Yeah you should take a quick shower before we leave, you won't be able to once we board." He made a quick face but agreed mine the less. He pressed a very big kiss to my cheek, before he slipped his way into the bathroom, I started lifting up the bags and all making sure we had most of everything we had packed.

I turned around for a moment hitting Spencer's little messenger bag, the contents spilling out.

"Damn it." I swore under my breath dropping down to dump the contents back info his back, a few letters seemed to spill out, so of course  I was just gonna shove them back inside and continue with making sure I had everything, yet it seemed a couple words scribbled on the letter good thing I still made sure to practice cursive.

"So sir... You know how one of the key lessons you taught us during training is to you know not jump to conclusions?" My little question slipped out. My fist pressed firmly on my chin, spinning side to side in the office chair focusing on well my amazing boss.

Mr. Cornell was possibility one of the best teachers I had, he never got angry easily and he was very well known in his field of therapy with trauma victims. So it was my natural that I looked up to him.

"Yes Tate, it's one of the first lessons I taught all my young trainees. In fact every field teaches or in fact should teach you what patience can do even when you have no control over your anger, why what's the matter?" I brushed my fingers across my chin a couple times playing with the string  of my jacket a few times in a small daze.

"I don't wanna assume things, cause it never makes the overthinking better sir." I chuckled sighing deeply, spinning back around to face him, seeing him leaning against the large open space window looking through his patients book.

"I think my boyfriend is cheating on me." He paused his actions shutting the book with one hard thump, when he whipped around his long hair moved with him, his blue eyes showing concern.

"Physically?" He questioned a little more setting the book to the side.

"I think physically I still would be upset just as much as mentally cheating is as well, all the same it's still the same in my eyes." I spoke quietly seeing him stare at me a low hum leaving him.

"What's the proof, of course confrontation is always either a good or bad downfall, you've done pretty well with your teachings Tate." Once more I sighed.

"Last week we went on vacation and I met his mom, it's hard for Spencer to get vacation time cause he works with the FBI and all, it was really nice we went to a few  malls, and shopping centers spent time with his mom, it didn't feel all that bad. I know that recently he has been having a lot of headaches." I paused a bit, rubbing my fingers over my chest.

"So of course everyday I tell him, Spence you need to go to the doctor something can be seriously wrong, and he always says he is gonna go, so on accident I spilled his bag and found these letters physically ones, I think Spencer doesn't think I can read cursive handwriting but it was under alias and you know it was intimate things, and all, lots of letters. " I cleared my throat shaking my head a couple times.

"I've had a lot of trauma growing up, and like a lot of things trauma can either turn you into the worse kind of person or a better one. I didn't wanna just automatically assume and start yelling cause it's not gonna get me anywhere but back in a dark place I'm just exhausted sir, and don't know much more I can take." My hand reached up to mess with my curls a bit a small little rough habit I developed.

"It sounds like to me Tate you have everything you need, you don't need more trauma so... confront him but don't be rash, get an explanation."

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