Chapter Seventeen

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Tate's Pov




"I still say yes."

I was trying my hardest to focus solely on the chessboard across from me sitting criss-cross, I watched Spencer move a chess piece across the board casually. A playfully smirk made its way across his lips, using his free hand he placed the lollipop back in his mouth focusing his eyes on me.

"You know you are cheating right babe." I breathed out a quiet chuckle, already knowing right here and now I was gonna lose this game of chess. When playing with Spencer he always was gonna win.

Once again time was traveling slow, and I was at the B.A.U since no one had any ongoing cases. So while everyone was doing paperwork me and Spencer were playing chess back and forth for quite a few hours now.

"It's not called cheating, it's about being a genius and watching your others move." I rolled my eyes playfully and made one more move, before he knocked over my queen grabbing it with another gentle smirk, a happy chuckle left him.

"Checkmate baby girl." I huffed loudly and leaned back into the chair quickly, ignoring his soft laughter. I leaned forward and plucked the lollipop out from his lips, pressing a quick kiss onto his lips making him smile pecking my lips back, I placed the lollipop straight back in his lips.

"I'm not playing chess with you anymore Doctor Reid." I joked quietly watching him roll his eyes playfully.

"Baby you can't be a sore loser." He let a deep wince and whine out, he flicked his eyes up in confusion to look at Garcia, instantly I started smiling at how beautiful her wild outfit looked.

Her heels alone were killer. I wish I was confident enough to wear bright colors like that. "What was that for Garcia?" He whined holding the back of his head.

"Sorry boy genius. But I need little Baby Morgan for a bit." Garcia exclaimed looking at me happily with a grin. She moved around Spencer's desk helping me up with a grin.

"You're taking my girlfriend away why?' Spencer whined out but smiled at the sight.

"Its girl time pretty boy." Garcia quickly dragged me away from Spencer, with me waving goodbye to him following her to her very amazing bat cave.

"Ah! Don't move a muscle little one! I got you a gift when I went shopping with the girls the other night. You and Spencer are going on your first public date soon correct? He keeps talking about it like non-stop." Garcia giggled out shuffling through her things.

"Yeah, sometime next week hopefully if there's not any huge cases." I giggled shyly slowly taking a seat at the small table watching her excited form.

"So I was talking to Derek and he said you are as innocent as it comes to be, you barely own any dresses or heels. So, mama bear of course, got you something beautiful. I'm positive this is your size cause I had your brother look through your clothes." She spun around, sitting across from me sliding over a neatly packed box.

"Garcia you didn't have to. " I stammered out shyly slowly and carefully unboxing the box to see a very beautiful and simple pink pastel dress, and she even bought me some cute little white wedges.

"I know bright colors aren't really your thing but, for one night I thought you could enjoy wearing some bright and being able to be little in peace." She beamed gently pushing her glasses back in her face.

A happy smile made its way across my face, I traced the dress softly and placed everything back in the box rushing towards her hugging her deeply.

"No it's beautiful Garcia thank you so much for this." I smiled in her shoulder, hearing her soft laughter long before her arms returned to squeezing and hugging me to death tightly.

"Oh little baby Morgan you don't have to thank me yeah, anytime you are just as much as part of our family now just like Derek has been." She swayed me side to side and in all honesty, her hug felt like a mother's kind of hug and I didn't wanna let go. Where has this kind of hug been all my life?

The hug lasted quite a while since I didn't seem to wanna let go. So when we finally broke apart Garcia was smiling and pinched my cheeks.

"The first date is always the best kind Tate, and Reid he's a little shy but I'm sure in his own little way he will make it perfect and romantic in his geeky ways." She wiggled her nose with a tiny giggle. I smiled once again glancing over at the dress again trying to picture and imagine everything I could.

"Yeah, I can almost see it now..."

Outfit Garcia bought

Outfit Garcia bought

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