Chapter Twenty Eight

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Tate's Pov
"Did you know there's a fifty% chance the plane will crash during terminal and there's usually a 88.8 percent chance you won't survive a plane crash?"

"Babe you are really not helping the fear like at all." All I could manage through my stammered, it felt like my heart had dropped straight down to the pit of my stomach, twisting and turning in every direction imaginable. My gut felt like any minute I was gonna puke.

I think being in the seat in the middle is just as worse as the window seat as well. Spencer snapped his head up from the large book in his grip staring at me quickly, the cover of it snapping with a soft thud.

"Oh- oh oh baby are you scared? why didn't you say anything?" He was quick to ask me turning his body around to face me. A slight shaky breath left me as I chuckled nervously.

"I was fine during boarding it was when we finally sat down that every worse possible case scenario went through my head." I trailed off slightly gulping a bit. I felt his warm touch traveling through my hand feeling him interlocking our hands.

"At least let me be a distraction to help you silly girl," He chuckled quietly before I felt him moving closer to me resting his head on top of my own, I saw him for just a moment was wincing and all from the pain he was hiding.

"Headaches getting worse? " I asked him gently my focus fading away from my pounding heart.

"Yeah... But I'll be okay let's enjoy this weekend with my mom, she's gonna love you." I played with Spencer's long fingers humming in content.

"Are twenty year olds legally allowed to gamble?"

"I think you need to be twenty one, but I also am banned from almost all the casinos in Las Vegas strip."

"I- you know why am I not surprised."

I knew quite the basics about Spencer's mom from what he has told me, she was highly intelligent and lecture was part of their family. His dad also we lived out here, but when he was younger his mom showed symptoms of disorders, just to keep her safe he put her in hospital.

I held my hands behind my back scanning my eyes down my outfit. Wanted to make the best impression no hoodies today. "Alright you ready? She always seems scary but she's just." He trailed off ruffling his fingers through his hair struggling with words.

"You know it takes a lot to scare me, I'll be okay." I smiled the slight breeze form the air ruffling up my curls in place. He placed his arm around my shoulders blades before we entered the building, the Las Vegas heat was already getting to me, my brown eyes shifting from all the details around.

"She has been expecting you Dr. Reid right this way." I snapped my eyes back to focus on Spencer who turned his attention back towards me. I shook all nervous waves away following along side him Spencer leading us over to a older woman sitting at a table messing with some cards.

"Hey mom." Spencer spoke out in a soft tender tone smiling at her. I watched her heated eyes look up still shuffling through the cards.

"Spencer? You were arriving today, well I am assuming you brought that girl you talk about in your letters." She cracked a side grin, her heated eyes looking from him to me.

"I did, this is Tate Morgan my girlfriend." I flashed her a soft smile.

"Its really nice to meet you ma'am." I spoke she was studying me.

"I'm not that old yet, getting there though, call me Diana, sit I know you had long flight." I pulled my purse to rest besides me both me and Spencer sitting down.

"How long have you been together? I have imagined the day a girl could keep up with Spencer." She chuckled deeply messing with the cards more.

"Mom." Spencer groaned quietly his hand rubbing at the bridge of his nose. A small laugh left me quietly.

"Its actually not that hard keeping up with Spencer, I'm one of the few people who could hear him listing off facts all day without getting bored, we've been together almost counting five years. " I answered, she looked so shocked her eyes wide a low whistle leaving her.

"Almost five years Spence, you've been hiding the poor girl from me? She doesn't look like she scared easily." Spencer was still rubbing at his nose shyly his cheeks growing a deep red.

"It was very complicated mom, lots of problems and what not. I wasn't avoiding you I promise. " I folded my hands into my lap gently.

"Tate right? I'm surprised he hasn't proposed yet, Spencer has always been a shy little guy, he went to highschool at twelve." I was left in shock gazing at Spencer who's face was still a bright red.

"Really?" I all but exclaimed at him.

"I was too smart for the curriculum at a young age, it's kinda embarrassing." He muttered finally dropping his hand away from his face to stare at me a small chuckle leaving him.

"Made me proud, so Tate? Do you play spades?" I focused on Diana taking a breather with this new information, it make sense since Spencer told me he was going getting into the BAU with all the PHDs. I gave her a soft smile nodding, pushing the chair in more watching her place a few cards in front of me.

"I play spades and chess a lot with Spencer and my friends." I answered her. She had her eyes facing her lap, before I then asked.

"Is Spencer an only child?" I asked curious like feeling him placing his head to rest in my shoulder a bit.

"Oh yeah, why mess with perfection." I laughed at her comment before I gathered up my cards, in my grip, more relaxed now then ever.

"She's a keeper Spencer, don't lose this one." I felt the warmth in my heart almost smiling a little too much hearing Spencer chuckling.

"I won't mom,"

"So about grandchildren?"

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