Chapter Forty

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Tate's Pov
"Do you wanna tell the team now? Or is that mega brain of yours wanting to wait till my stomach is humongous?" Spencer was muttering aimlessly to himself shuffling through books beyond books from his shelf, he had been like this for days since the previous case took a toll on him. I knew he was quite pleased with the new information of us expanding quite the family we had, thought he was stressed about medical things now. He shut the book with a soft thump sending a smile my way, making his way over to me, pressing his head to rest on top of my own.

"I don't mind telling them now. I think it would help ease the heavy. Besides Morgan, who else knows?" I slightly tilted my head up to nuzzle the side of my head onto his own, watching him slide his hand to grab my own hand to play with the ring in place.

"Garcia, you, Derek and Savannah." I could hear his steady hums, before he shifted his eyes to where his mom was resting fast asleep. She also needed just as much rest as the next person.

"So that just means we need to surprise the rest of the team? I have an idea." I could feel him smiling in place before he leaned his head down to whisper to me his idea, a sudden loud laugh left me, lifting my head up both our brown eyes gazing at one another.

"I like it, I thought you didn't like surprises Doctor?" A soft shy like rumble of laughter left him with ease.

"I already know about the surprise though, so I am doing just fine. We are gonna have to find quite a lot of boxes though." My fingers rubbed and traced all over his warm palm, it left soft like tingles and chills.

"I think I have a ton of boxes we could use." I could feel him still grinning pressing lingering kisses to rest on top of my head with ease, muttering his thoughts out loud.

"I can't believe we are gonna be parents. You know I have a book all about pregnancy?"

"That doesn't shock me the least. You also helped someone give birth during one of your cases."

"Gosh to this day I never tell anyone this, I was so scared that day."

I was a little overly excited, carrying the few little boxes in my hold, peering around them with Spencer also holding a few leading me into the bureau. It took quite a bit of shopping before we found the perfect shirts and perfect little gifts for this reveal. Derek had already been planned out having a hoodie that he so desperately needed with the words best uncle on it.

Spencer using his foot held open the door for me, allowing me to enter in first, before he followed in shortly. "Hey guys can we all go to the meeting table really quick?" It was like everyone was in perfect positions at their desk laughing and chatting with one another with ease. Derek flashed a happy grin my way a knowing look in his eye as he pushed himself off his desk.

"This should be fun." I shot him a amused look, seeing JJ give us a odd confused look looking between Rossi, and Hotch who just shrugged a bit before long all of us were all inside the meeting room, they sat at their chairs, Garcia bouncing like a mad women in place.

"We got you guys some gifts so you know there wasn't so much heavy from these last few days." I slide each little box to everyone Tara shook her box with a confused stare laughing quietly.

"You guys didn't have to get us gifts you know." She flicked her eyes between us both. Spencer just rolled his eyes playfully, resting his arms over my shoulder pressing kisses across my cheek side of a few times. Hotch was slightly an inpatient man yanking the top off his quickly looking at the contents in the box, his usually blank eyes grew wide in size looking back up for a moment blurting out fast.

"No way.." I found his reaction quite priceless, Rossi yanking his shirt out also staring with wide eyes.

"Oh my god! You are pregnant Tate!" JJ shouted with excitement standing up fast she wasted no time throwing me into the fastest hug leaving me shaking with laughing hugging her neck in return.

"Yes I am." I spoke through my gentle laughter feeling her swaying me back and forth so quick like.

"Congratulations." She beamed in my ear through her own laughter.

"So the boy wonders genes continue on. Congrats." Rossi laughed out patting at Spencer's back roughly.

"Hey I'm as happy as I can be, I'm gonna be a uncle." Derek wiggled his eyebrow happily,

"She already said I can be God mother! No one is taking that from me." Garcia pointed her two fingers at the other two ladies leaving them in their own state of laughter.

Hotch had pulled me into a side hug pinching at my cheeks gently with a faint smile on his face.

"I am very happy for you both, it's like I watched you grow Tate. Take care of yourself." He scolded me deeply still keeping me by his side, I returned the side hug squeezing at his sides gently in the nice warm embrace.

"I always say I'll try my best." I said through soft laughter, Spencer was just gleaming with laughter and smiles returning quite the group hugs from JJ, Tara, Rossi and Garcia. It made me pool with sudden happiness.

New chapters were waiting for not just me and Spencer but everyone as well moving on with their lives. I glanced down at my flat stomach for a moment another smile growing on my features.

Hmm I wonder are you are a boy or a girl? You're gonna be loved no matter what.

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