Chapter One

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Everything written in this book is purely fictional, I don't own Criminal Minds or any of the actors mention, I only own the oc this is a age gap story which means age of consent, if this isn't your cup of tea or it makes you uncomfortable don't read the story.

Tate's Pov
I could hear my mom's voice filling in the air, like a small chill filling the air. Eavesdropping was never fun to do, but sometimes I needed to know what she talking about. Sitting outside the door by her bedroom listening onto her conversion.

"I know it's so sudden, and I know you haven't seen her since she was ten sweetie, but I think she would do well with staying with you for sometime." My head leaned back at against the wall, bouncing my knee up and down.

I was seventeen years and still felt a helpless little girl. She had to have been talking to my much older brother. He hasn't been back home in a while.

The very last time I saw him was for his birthday, I was just gonna turn eleven. I was used to Chicago so much, but I also knew my own problems were slowly killing my mom everynight and my other sisters as well.

"Tate honey can you come here, sweetie!" I heard her scream out to me, drawing me away from all the little thoughts floating freely.

Getting up off the floor I acted like I had just come from the bathroom in the apartment and entered her room gazing at her across the bed, her phone gripped tightly.

She waved me over a soft kind smile over her lips that made me instantly relax, but didn't entirely stop the nervous feeling growing through me. She patted the spot beside her, I sat down next to her being handed the phone which I carefully took holding.

"Hello," I whispered timidly and I couldn't help the smile that made its way across my face hearing the soft tone of my brother.

"Hey, little mama how are you?"

"Hey, Derek."

It only took a few days before everything was settled in. I was gonna be staying with Derek back in Quantico, Virginia for a little while, just to help give my mom a sense of peace, and to catch up with my older brother.

The plane ride gave me intense anxiety the whole way, but I had my iPod and a few books to keep me awake or to stop myself from accidentally slipping when it wasn't needed, along with my medication.

By the time the plane landed I was more anxious to get off then back on and by the time I was in the car with Derek I was bubbling with happiness.

"You've grown so much it really has been way too long Tate, you're seventeen ?" He asked in disbelief looking over at me.

I lightly was tapping my knuckle across the window to get use to some of the new sights and sounds."Yeah, I'm seventeen," I answered back to him looking over at him to watch him drive. "You look too small to be seventeen." He joked making me crack a small grin.

"The last time you saw me I was ten, and I was watching you get arrested, " I pointed out watching Derek wince a little at the painful memory.

"Yeah and mom sent you to go stay with some friends for a few days," Derek explained to me. I slowly nodded my head again.

"I didn't get to meet your teammates." I pointed out looking back at the window once again.

"You'll have plenty of time to meet them I promise, in the meantime will get your room ready, decorate, and will catch up. You can tell me all the things that have happened okay?" He told me gently.

Once again my knuckle was hitting the window over and over softly to create a small tap noise that filled the car.

"How much has mom told you about?" I questioned blinking afraid to know the answer.

"She told me about your medication, about how when you were eleven a month right after I left, you were placed in a mental hospital, sweetie what happened?" He pleaded to me sadness laced all in his voice.

The empty thoughts seemed to fill my head as they flash before my eyes one by one as slowly as they could.

"I lost a part of myself, that's all," I answered quietly not wanting to go into details. I lost a part of me but also gained a new part I thought. Derek had dropped one of his hand off the steering wheel to lift my hand up holding it close squeezing gently.

"I promise Tate living out here will really change you a lot, you'll self heal, and learn the things you never knew. I promise it will be different cause you'll have me." He told me in a soft tone.

I gently squeezed his hand back and peeked my head to look in the back seat at one of the packed black and white suitcases with the stuff of my own, stuff I most likely wouldn't be able to use until I was alone with myself.

"I'm glad I get to stay with you Derek I missed you," I told him giving him a soft smile and he gave me one in return holding my hand softly still.

"I missed you too little mama, you and all your nerdiness." He laughed making me chuckle leaning back into the seat a bit gazing out the window more.

"Being a nerd is awesome." I pointed out.

"Nah you just sound like Reid." He laughed quietly and we soon fell into a comfortable talk that lasted the whole car ride.

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