Chapter Nineteen

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Tate's Pov
"Alright! Books? Check, all your boyish clothing! Also check,  all your ladies things includi-"

"Derek don't finish that sentence! Have you always been this embarrassing." I grumbled out in embarrassment gently, ripping off a piece of tape once the box in my lap was fully sealed up with a whole bunch of my shoes. I glanced up from my position on the hardwood floor seeing a distant look was across Derek's face while he looked around my almost very empty bedroom. "Oh, Derek come on big bro don't get that look on your face," I whined out carefully pushing myself up off the floor with a grunt.

I went over to stand by his side wrapping my arms around him pulling him into a side hug which he returned rubbing my shoulders up and down a few times. "Yeah yeah I knew this day was gonna come someday little mama just wasn't expecting it so soon, you're growing up on me. "

I smiled gently leaning into Derek's side more really hoping he wasn't gonna start crying like he did last night while drunk at the little last-minute Tate's going away to college party, there was a lot of sad faces, and I even had to reassure Spencer that I was gonna be okay, he also did a lot of sober crying not wanting me to go.

So another new challenge was gonna push me to the test a long-distance relationship, and being on my own to become an adult. "Knock knock." I broke away from the hug, a soft smile going across my face when I saw Spencer emerging at the door frame of my bedroom greeting Derek and me with a small smile.

"I'll give you two some privacy Tate I'm gonna start loading things into the car." Ugh, just the thought of the long flight of having to send all my boxes out to this new state was making me fill with anxiety.

"Okay," I called out to him watching him exit out the room it left me with Spencer to look around the room before I gently grabbed his hand pulling him with me to sit on the floor.

Spencer was avoiding eye contact with me for a moment facing the floor before looking up at me once he had spoken, "So this is really happening now, isn't it? I thought I had a few more months to process this you know? Mentally." His voice then trailed off with a whisper.

"Spencer I promise nothing is gonna change my feelings for you, even if it's me going away for college. I'm gonna be back real soon, I'll be coming to visit during breaks, we still can call and text all the time." I whispered trying to hide a certain crack in my voice.

"Spencer I love you." I told him gently moving close,  "You're everything to me." I continued watching him shift a bit.

"I'm easily replaceable Tate... I'm nothing special." A small scoff left me before I moved closer and made Spencer look up at me.

"Now I know those are lies Dr. Reid, you are one of a kind Spencer Reid, there's no way I would ever replace you." I whispered pressing my forehead onto his, when a faint smile made its way across his face before he whispered to me his own hands coming in contact with my cheeks stroking at them.

"I always imagined I had an eternity to hold you in my arms Tate Morgan, but I know that's impossible because time is an aspect we can't control.  We will make the distance work, promise me you'll be safe?" I listened to his quiet whispering trying to fight back the tears from escaping before chuckling weakly.

"Of course I'll be safe, I should be telling you that Mr. I carry a gun." I giggled faintly with Spencer who chuckled.

   "I actually came bearing gifts." I gently pulled back watching Spencer handing over a bag to rest on my lap. I carefully peeked inside the bag, the tears now fully leaving me with a smile over my face never realizing how bad this was gonna take a toll on me.

"Pickles. " I giggled weakly remembering I always left the stuffed animal at Spencer's house for little space. I looked up to see Spencer also was crying slightly smiling at me.

"I didn't want you to leave without him, I know you can't sleep without him when you are in little space." I moved close feeling my arms around Spencer quickly hugging him fast feeling my body tremble. I nuzzled my head into his neck his arms were tight around my waist hugging me.

"I'm gonna miss you a lot, Spencer... I love you so freaking much promise not to forget me.." I pleased to him. His head also nuzzled into my own before he whispered back

"I'd never forget you, baby girl."

Spencer's Pov
Making my way back into my apartment my heart felt really heavy. The emotions that were running through me were just as strong as the day when my dad left, and just as strong when I had to admit my mom into the hospital.

I know Tate wasn't gonna be gone forever she was just a few states away.

But it hurt that if she was in trouble or hurting I wasn't gonna be able to run to her. If possible the very least if I see her in the four years of her college years by the time I see her face to face she'll be nineteen possible twenty maybe even twenty one. I

I know how hectic college gets. It's almost really hard to come home for the holidays. I ran my hand loosely through my hair tossing a few things in the table I noticed a medium-sized book was on the table in the living room.

Arching an eyebrow I sat down on the couch placing the book in my lap picking up the sticky note slowly.

Hey, babe, I know approximately when you get this I'm on my way to my new start of adulthood. Oh, shit don't I sound like you daddy but I also wanted to leave you a little gift because I know you like to hide your sadness when others aren't looking so you don't seem like you are weak.  Like when you opened up to me about your past drug addiction or your kidnapping story.

Everything you've opened up to me has made me see you in a new light if I could give you the stars and the moon I would hand it to you but I think the perfect start is to give you my heart. I never believed in love till you, so in all, you're my only exception on love.

I hope to grow with you more, to get married to you one day, explore more with my little space, have kids in the future. I don't want you to be sad, so I made this with a little help from Garcia, JJ and Derek I'm missing your cuddles already.
~Love Tate

I carefully whispered still smiling I slowly opened up the book, instantly in awe at the pictures shatters out from the little book. I flipped through every page analyzing pictures that I never knew she took.

A lot of me and her took some of the pictures of me and her of angles that other people had taken, even some pictures of me taking care of her in little space.

There were little quotes written near each picture with the time and date on them as well. And when I flipped to the last picture it was a picture of us both sleep on the grass.

I vaguely recall JJ taking that picture that was just a few days ago with the quote underneath. You are the only exception. I smiled wiping away the tears fast shutting my eyes.

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