Chapter Thirty

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Tate's Pov
Okay so maybe I had a small temper, how could I forget about that fight I had back in high school, I wasn't too sure how I was able to keep calm and act like nothing was happening for two weeks. Even though I had most evidence from the letters, and Spencer slightly strange behavior I just wanted to be positive and sure. Or perhaps deep down I was hoping he would just come clean about it as well.

I glanced up for just a moment from where I was sitting in the living room, reading from one of my own exam reviews, watching Spencer enter the apartment shutting the front door behind him. "Hey baby, how was work?" He questioned to me setting his stuff down running his hands all through his hair running around.

"Same old, same old, yours?" I questioned quietly shifting my eyes away from the book to study his body language a bit.

"Did some paper work, and talked with Blake most of the day, what are you reading?" I shut the book for a moment when he sat down across from me.

"I'm preparing for the final exam that determines if I can be a therapist." I finally answered gulping slightly. I averted my eyes for a moment. Distance is a key factor and he keeps a lot of that.

"Tate..? What's going on? You seem to be very avoiding of me lately you know that we can talk about anything?" Damn for dating a profiler. A heavy sight left my lips before I shifted my body towards Spencer, the lump seemed to grow in my throat before I stammered out a little.

"Spencer I know about the letters..." At first he didn't seem to know what I was talking about, his face twisted up.

"What letters Tate?" I kept staring at him my hands covered by the sleeves of my long sleeved shirt, keeping my hands clamped together.

"The letters in your bag... I know you are cheating on me Spencer..." He seemed to hold his breath, his facial expressions dropping quickly.

"I... Wait Tate let me explain." I stared at him even more holding my hands more.

"What do you wanna explain Spencer? That for who knows how long you are taking to another person! Instead of reaching out to me who is right here." I exclaimed out the anger quickly taking over me fast.

"Tate just let me explain." He kept speaking fast licking his lower lip.  "She's... She's a doctor.. I did what everyone and you told me to do and reached out to a doctor that could help with the headaches...okay just listen to me."

"She just was helping me with the headaches and then I started talking to her everyday sometimes she would call and distract me at work and just ask me how the medicine was working and all." I scoffed quietly still listening to him my hands moving out to hold my hair a bit. My leg bouncing roughly.

"Soon I just found myself talking to her everyday and I learned we had common interest and I felt it was wrong every time she was making me happy and when I couldn't talk to you.. It doesn't excuse the letters me and her have been sending and I swear to you I would never cheat on you." A hard laugh tore through me fast still holding my hair deeply.

"So in your mind just because you didn't physically sleep with her it doesn't count as cheating... Let me tell you something Spencer... It doesn't matter if you slept with her, called her little nicknames even thought about her... Mentally is just as bad as physically because you thought about it while you were in a relationship with me. As soon as you start having romantic thoughts away from your partner it's cheating." I wanted to yell at him.

Yet I didn't wanna make a big scene, he looked like such a kicked puppy his head dropped down hearing him inhale roughly, his shaky voice speaking to me. I didn't wanna look at him when he looked up at me his eyes a little red with his own tears.

"I'm sorry Tate... I'm so sorry."  I dropped my head down for a moment resting my fist on my temple for a moment exhaling a bit.

"What's her name..."


My fist lifted up for a moment thumping them across the door, I brushed my shoes across the surface of the floor listening to the loud shuffling and the grumbling from behind the door.

"This better be important interrupting wine time." I cracked a sad smile, the heavy feeling still weighing in my chest, I watched the door yank open. A very wild look was in my gaze.

"Oh... Baby Morgan! Oh my God my favorite person.. I- whats wrong?" Garcia looked beyond worried even with her face filled with a face mask, and dressed in a robe.

"Garcia.. I'm sorry I just... I needed my favorite person and I didn't wanna see Derek yet." I muttered hiding the shake in my voice. Her soft hands grabbed at my own, pulling me inside her apartment.

"No no you aren't bothering me sweetie what's going on? here sit down you are shaking." She ordered out to me making me sit down on the couch with her, her grip still tight on my hands.

"You are shaking and crying its okay take your time Tate." I chuckled harsh like licking my lower lip feeling the salty tear stains were still dripping down.

"I'm so mad Penelope... But it's coming out in stupid tears... He's all I've known and I think that's why it hurts more." I squeezed my eyes tighter.

"Oh god... What did the boy wonder do.... Tate talk to me." She ordered wrapping her arms around me. She squeezed me tightly her hands patting and stroking at my back.

"He cheated on me with a doctor... Don't tell Spencer or Derek I am here for now... They just are gonna yell I just need time to myself please..."

"He's dead! Hurting my precious baby Morgan! Ugh!"

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