Chapter Eight

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Tate's Pov
"You still haven't explained why I have to come with you Derek." I slowly grumbled deeply rubbing my fist across my eyes huffing quietly. It wasn't everyday you get woken up at 5:00 am to your older brother packing you a bag with clothes, and is handing you some water, ushering you into an all black van.

"I already told you sweetie, we have a case but they are targeting our families. I can't risk anything happening to you, so you're coming with." Derek explained once again ruffling my hair up a bit deeply making me whine smacking his hand away.

It's bad enough I had slipped and I was deeply hiding it which was making me more cranky and stressed out. I stumbled my way out from the van, gripping the bag, following after Derek to a platform were a huge white jet was waiting.

"Sweetie don't be so mad at me alright, I'm sure I can make up for it cause Reid is already here." Derek sent me a smile. I had to hold back a small squeak, stumbling up the steps feeling Derek quickly grab my arms to help steady me.

I quickly thanked him scanning my eyes around and hid my smile by chewing at my lower lip seeing him on the small little couch reading from a file case. He looked up pulling his hair back, while he locked eyes with me,  giving me a smile nodding his head for me to come over.

I looked at Derek who nodded shooing me off making me giggle. I quickly made my way over and sat down next to him wanting so badly to sit in his lap, and just give him kisses all over his face. But I had to hold back with self control.

"Hey Spencer." I beamed with happiness bouncing my knee up and down to help calm me down.  Spencer gave me a soft smile and tucked away strands from my messy hair quietly whispering to me.

"Hey there little one." He told me. I felt my entire heart melt and my hands grow sweaty with the need to be close to him, but it would get strange looks from everyone.

I could already feel JJ watching from the corner of her eye to watch me and Spencer.  "I know you are feeling little, and I know this is a totally at the last minute case. But for daddy I need you to be big okay, and then at the hotel room cause you're sharing with me, you can be small and the beautiful baby girl you are okay." He whispered gently in my ear.

I wanted to pout and throw a slight fit. I didn't wanna be big. I was sleepy and hungry and to make matters slightly better school was out on break for a full two months so I didn't have to go back to hell for a while.

"But Spencer you know it's hard to go big." I whispered back shyly leaning against the couch shaking my hair out, and I felt Spencer wrap his arms around my upper shoulders laying his head on top of my head.

"I know it's hard baby girl but for me." He whispered faintly pressing a kiss to my head making me pout again, before I slipped away the little space and went back to my normal self.

"Alright Spencer." I answered peeking up at him "This case better really be putting me in danger it's 5:00 am." I whined rubbing at my face hearing him laugh quietly, before nodding showing me the case files.

"Actually yes this case is real who ever the killer is, wants to target our families. His kills are lookalikes one happened to look like you, with age and hair and race, and the others all look like our family members which lead Hotch to start putting everyone in safety positions." He explained everything to me.

I was watching him so closely that I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought of his tongue poking out at his lower lip. Why did you have to be older then me Spencer Reid. I thought to myself.

I slowly sat up criss cross and snuggling up into my sweater a bit. "Then how come I am coming with you, if everyone else has state marshal's?" I asked the question noticing the faint rush of a blush across his cheeks.

"Well Morgan was worried and didn't know he was slightly freaking, which resulted in me freaking out, cause I care so much about you, I said bring her to the jet. She can come along." Spencer stammered out quickly pressing his knuckles against his inflamed cheeks looking bashful like.

"You're so cute." I giggled making his cheeks grow even redder then before.

  "Hush." Spencer chuckled at me amused. "Get some rest okay it's gonna be a long ride, we gotta start briefing okay." He told me.  I hid my pout a bit, grabbing my bag ready to use it as a pillow watching Spencer get up.

He then stopped for a moment and kneels down so he was eye leveled with me.  "I know it's gonna be hard to sleep, if you look in my go bag, I brought some of your little stuff that's at my house, including pickles." He whispered gently stroking my hair away.

Once again in the last forty minutes my heart had melted pickles was a stuffed animal that was an actually pickle and he helped me fall asleep. A single tear fell from my eye and I hoped he didn't notice.

Is this what love felt like? "Thank you daddy." I whispered just low enough for us two to hear.

"Anything for you princess." He whispered quickly kissed my head before standing up going to join everyone else on the seats. I wiped away the tears shifting to get relaxed and I saw JJ she was giving me a soft smile and a knowing look across her features.

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