Chapter Twenty Two

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Tate's Pov
It has been such a long time since I had felt a pain like this in my body, the sort of pain were It rocks your entire body.  It was just all round pain, shivers and just the feeling of being violated. I felt disgusted again and it had been a while.

I was in a dark cold place, my beaten tattered body. I could feel the forming bruises and just another set of permanent damage. I could still hear some of their laughter in my mind while they violated me just like they did when I was younger, but this I was more numb to it and was able to tune out of their taunts and stuff.

I heard the loud creaking out the loud door opening, I didn't even flinch when someone was crouched in front of me.

"Hey Tate..." I sighed and opened my eyes to gaze at Ryland a little.

"What do you want... Where's Tyler." I muttered licking at my bruised lip, Ryland looked a little fearful when he slowly untied me a bit I felt just how sore my hands and wrist felt right and sore.

"What are you doing?" I questioned confused.

"We've kept you for a week, I wasn't expecting it to go this far, but now your brother and your boyfriend are out here, we are gonna get more then just probation this time, and... It doesn't feel right." I fluttered my eyes more.

"Go... Before they come back, I don't wanna live with this fucking guilt anymore, I'm sorry but you have to go now." He tried his best to help me up and I hissed at the feeling when I was yanked up into my sore feet.

"Ryland what the hell." I cracked out feeling fresh tears leaving me.

"I'm sorry Tate okay...I never touched you, I didn't do anything... Back when we were younger I had a crush on you and I shouldn't have told them... because they used it against me. I'm so so fucking sorry for the trauma we caused you and I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to protect you but... I can do it now come on."

He wrapped his arms around my upper body and started leading me out of the warehouse. I winced at the light  then I suppose all the trauma on my body finally made me collapse Ryland quickly catching me fast.

"Shit shit, no Tate you need to stay awake fuck I gotta call an ambulance." His arms were wrapped around me, but I soon just allowed the sleep to crash down on me so fast.

Come on.... Wake up stupid brain I can hear voices I thought. I can also hear a small steady beep. With a small heavy grunt and all the power I could muster up.  I fluttered my heavy sore eyes open in confusion, I first glanced all across the baby blue hospital blanket. It smelled like the hospital.

"Alright what else happened?" I snapped my eyes open and I felt my body relax so much seeing Derek I never felt so happy to see someone. I felt weight on my right arm and I glanced there to see Spencer was fast asleep staying close near me.

"Tyler... He told us about how Tate was at this university, he told us he was gonna just gonna teach her a lesson about the trail a year ago, when they reopened the case. I told him a dozen times that he should just drop it and to let it go, but he said you guys wouldn't be able to do anything because of double jeopardy, I know it's hard to believe me but I swear I didn't touch or hurt Tate, I really do care about her in my own way.. I tried to call the police, and I tried to get them to stop but they made us break our phones, but I have a phone that backs up my side and that I told him."

Derek was sitting at the end of the hospital bed at a table with Ryland looking very pissed off and distressed quite a lot.

"Derek." I called out his name and he snapped his head up quite fast.

"Hold that thought." Derek ordered to Ryland who nodded Derek pushed his chair back and made his way over to me smiling sadly.

"Hey Tate, how are you feeling?" He asked quietly grabbing my hand with the IV in it. I took a heavy breather.

"Disgusting... " I muttered. He frowned deeply.

"You aren't disgusting sweetie, alright you didn't ask for this, now I feel like I'm at fault for letting this happen to you again when I promised it wouldn't happen." He sounded so upset with himself.

"What happened?" I questioned confused.

"Well your roommate called pretty boy, told him you went missing so we flew out here quite quick. We talked to almost everyone in campus, they all had amazing things to say about how you are quite popular on campus but in the nerdy way you book worm." I chuckled quietly with Derek.

"I am a nerd. " I shook with laughter Derek smiled feeling him stroking at my hand some more in place.

"Spencer overworked himself a bit, and we had to search your room for clues with permission from your roommate. Spencer saw that you had all your little stuff packed away, and he feels like you failed you as a caregiver he actually started crying."

I felt a huge ping of guilt and even now I felt like he was gonna wanna be with me anymore. No one would wanna be like not after this.

"We were already close to finding out it was Tyler, and Greg but then we got a call that Ryland here has been telling the truth, he never raped you none of his DNA was never found in the rape kit, he brought you to the hospital, so I'm working on getting him less time and even possibly no time at all."

I took it all in and I started stroking Spencer's hair a little bit feeling my hands were deeply trembling a lot. I leaned over pressing my lips onto his forehead a little.

"I'm sorry Spencer... I'm sorry that when I found myself I lost it again." I whispered feeling his body twitch slightly but his grip didn't loosen from my arm. I then turned to Derek sadly.

"I wanna go home Derek... Please. "

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