Chapter Five

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Tate's Pov
"Tate you know you can really trust me I promise." I rubbed at my head a little. Taking in small relaxing breaths to calm down my pounding headache, and my aching body.

One minute I was at school doing a lot of work. The next minute I'm laying down in the nurse's office with a serve cold. I very much ignored all possible signs of being sick because I had too catch up on work I had missed while sleeping in class.

I hadn't been sleeping a lot which was making it much harder to focus. I didn't wanna worry or stress out Derek cause him and Emily went out of state to do a case on their own,.so the only person I could really really call while coughing and sick was Spencer.

Hence he came and picked me up from school, and didn't wanna leave me alone which lead to me and him laying on my bed with me.

I was trying to give us as much space between us since I know how he is when it comes to germs. And plus he knows how to make me slip which isn't fair at all.

All he has to do is cuddle me, and call me little cute names. Like kitten, cutie, adorable one time he let it slip on accident and called me baby girl which slipped me into the deepest little space ever.

"You know every time I speak more germs are being spread into the air Spencer." I muffled out my hand covering my mouth. Spencer was reading from a book and booked marked it setting it aside. Before laying on his side watching me.

He carefully pulled my hand away from my mouth chuckling. "I've sprayed a whole bunch of disinfectants all around, don't worry okay? Will you let me help you slip, that will help me be able to take care of you more." He explained deeply.

I let a small sneeze out pouting, groaning feeling my nose get more stuffed up.

"If I slip again, I'm gonna end up calling you daddy, and it's gonna be so awkward cause you're not my caregiver Spencer. " I mumbled, reaching over grabbing a tissue and cleaned up my nose tossing it in the little bin by my bed.

"If you would let me be your caregiver it wouldn't be awkward Tate." He reassured me leaning over the bed with a small grunt grabbing some medicine shaking the bottle.

"I think you need a caregiver, it's not healthy to hide it away." I flicked my eyes to him watching him pop open the cap and I grimaced a bit. Already tasting the nasty artificial cherry flavor between my lips.

"Don't give me that look." He looked back over at me softly. "Just one more cap full for me baby girl." He reassured me.

Once I listened to him, it was an automatic filter switched off. I slipped again. "Okay," I whispered softly hiding in my blanket softly. I reluctantly swallowed the medicine. Spencer held his arms out for me already knowing I slipped.

He pulled me to lay on his chest, gently running his hands through his hair, before he rested his chin on my head.

"How come you know so much about little space?" I asked him feeling myself grow a little more by then I would like. His small hums were really relaxing a little very  calming all at once.

"A while ago, I went on a case on my own, cause it was back in my hometown in Las Vegas, girls were being killed and tortured. I couldn't quite figure out why until I learned the victimology.  They all had a little space mindset I don't want you to imagine what happened to them cause it was bad." He explained to me deeply.

I cringed slightly of all the bad little things running through my head."That's why when I met you, I knew you had a little space, you just hide it don't you?" He asked me softly gently rocking me side to side in his arms a little.

"I do yeah," I mumble quietly feeling him still playing with my hair deeply.

"I want you to trust me, and as time keeps going on and on, you can trust me to tell me everything.  But let me be your caregiver please Tate, I can help you learn so much," Spencer told me gently still stroking my hair. I wanted it so badly.

I've always wanted someone to take care of me. If it was just for a little while. I wanted to feel safe again, feel like me again. Feel like little me again.

"Okay Spencer, I would like if you were my caregiver. " I told him gently smiling shyly hiding in his chest. He pulled me closer to him,nsmiling lightly on my head he rubbed my back up and down gently.

"I will take really good care of you, I promise." He told me gently making me smile more watching him smile back at me he gently stroked my cheeks.

"Let's get you changed into something comfortable yeah, and then you can tell me what kind of little you are, what kind of rules you would like for when In little space, and some names you would like to be called." He told my heart was pounding in so much excitement I could almost hear it in my ears.

I slowly nodded my head watching Spencer looking at me with gentle eyes. I lifted my arm up to cough into my arm mumbling to him.

"Thank you, Spencer." I whispered to him shyly.

"For what little one?" He asked back softly smiling gently at me.

"For taking care of me, when no one else could."

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