Chapter Thirty One

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Tate's Pov
Sometimes sleep was the best little medicine you could give yourself, of course too much sleep wasn't very healthy since long hours just made you more exhausted, plus I barely moved from the bed unless it was for food, to shower, use the restroom and briefly try and mange my hair.

I know deep down it wasn't worth suffering in silence and pain, but it hurt more then I would like to have the trust that you shared with someone shatter so fast like.

Penelope seemed really worried, and she didn't like going into the office that much with a fear of leaving me here alone. I always reassure her that I'm not gonna do anything silly that would pose harm to myself, or anything in that manner.

No matter how beautiful and safe a relationship makes you feel safe, it's never worth it to harm yourself or others around you in the matter. I sat up in half sleep daze touching at my cheeks hoping for one endless days of sleep my cheeks weren't stained with dried tears but they really were.

I sighed in disbelief tugging at the sleeves on my sweater annoyed with the crying to sleep every night, I perked up hearing the apartment door opening and closing listening to Penelope on the phone.

"Babygirl that's all I need to know, you aren't the best liar. I know you have some idea where Tate is, I'm just worried about her and you know this." I could hear her heels clicking aggressively like.

"No you can't baby girl me Derek Morgan, Tate is fine, she is on a trip with some friends and will be back next week that is all I know case closed." She exclaimed her voice echoing around the hallway.

"Un-huh, do you have their names? Just tell her to call me... And tell her that I know something happened between her and pretty boy." I tensed up a little rubbing at my forehead.

"How do you know that!" Uh oh looks like she is on her full mama bear mode.

"Cause he is staying at my place right now."

I wonder how much longer I can pretend to be on a fake trip, communication was always the best way to voice out things, yet I knew I wasn't ready for another face to face talk without the fear of just growing mad. I had gotten done with a hot shower coming out in a new outfit seeing Penelope was messing around on her laptop very focused like, typing away.

"Hey Pen." I called out gently. She snapped her head up at lightening speed looking so relieved like, standing up quickly rushing me into one of her beautiful warm hugs.

"Oh little Baby Morgan, how are you doing? It's better to see you actually getting up instead of staying in bed all day it's not healthy." She whined cupping at my face making me smile at her gently, relaxing a little.

"I'm okay, a lot better then last week that's for sure but, I'm pretty positive the ache isn't just gonna go away." I smiled at her sadly feeling her squish and pinch at my cheeks even more.

"I'm not expecting you to heal in a couple of short weeks, but I don't think either of them are buying the lies that you are on a trip with friends." A small snicker left me, sighing in defeat.

"I do have a few friends but going out and like adventuring isn't my thing." I chuckled softly being smothered in another large hug by her, I just really needed her hugs they made all the bad things fade away, and just with happiness as well.

"Penople I don't know what to do... This is like the one time I'm really stuck in the middle of a discussion, it's annoying the hell out of me." I grumbled out loudly.

"I think it would have hurt less if he just told me he found someone more interesting, that's a better way to let someone down then to find the letters." I grumbled even more.

"I'm gonna be brutally honest with you Tate, guys are stupid it's one of the reasons I don't really date."

"You are dating Kevin though-"

"Not the point!" She exclaimed causing me to laugh out loudly she held my face firmly.

"Spencer needs to own up to his mistake, that he hid like a child, didn't communicate with you, sometimes it's hard to believe he has all that brain but doesn't know cheating can be emotional without the physical part." She started rambling deeply, and I was trying my best to listen to each point she was giving me.

I tuned in shortly away from my thoughts,

"Why is he staying with Derek- I thought Derek was seeing someone." I finally spoke over her, she gave me a look that very much read how do you know that.

"I was awake when I heard you on the phone, I know I can't hide forever so here I'll do this." I mumbled sighing loudly rubbing at my forehead.

"Wait let me see, I think Spencer told Derek what happened, I can't be positive, so don't quote me on that." She stammered.

"Next week I'll go talk to Derek, then after that I should have my thoughts cleared I'll talk to Spencer I don't think just forgiving him right away, and taking him back is the right move but." I shook my head dismissing it with a heavy sigh both of us sitting next to one another at the little table.

"Better to get a clear view point of were he is standing, I just wanted him to get better from his headaches." I grumbled moving to play with my wet curls a few times brushing my fingers all through them.

"You know  I've known boy wonder for years now, he doesn't handle trauma very well, a lot of things happen and he bottles it up to the point were he can only have." She paused for a moment, her fingers running all over her chin.

"Unhealthy habits? Like the kidnapping, drugs...getting shot, Emily's fake death, almost dying from toxic in the air," That was just a few things I was able to make that he opened up about to me, Penelope nodded her head fast.

  "Guess me and him really are alike, I had some problems too." I sighed rubbing at my aching temple, boy would it be nice to slip right about now and not worry about all this.

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