Chapter Four

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Tate's Pov
"Alright relax Tate, you will be fine, and you won't get caught." I quietly reassured myself. Walking alongside the small peek side of the large beautiful lake in the pond. My worries slowly from today were fading away at the best ability it could. For one it's been around three months, with Derek and it's honestly more amazing than being back home and constantly worrying about my old school.

And finally two, my new school may have been ten times worse than my old school, today was one of the days were I couldn't handle all the girls and boys gossiping and all the overwhelming work as well.

So to my best good girl ability, I ditched my sixth-period class and I never ever ditch at all. The small reflection from the pond was so calming and even made me squeak once spotting ducks around.

I finally found a spot in a little grass area where a bench was and chessboard table was set, but I wasn't too worried about my surroundings.

More or so worried about Derek getting a call about me not being there. I sat on the grass for no more than fifteen minutes, before someone whispered near my ear playfully.

"I think someone should be in class." I heard.  The quickest gasp left me and I snapped my head around to watch Spencer laughing quietly to himself, as he sat down next to me on the grass setting his bag next to him.

"You scared me," I whined hitting his arm watching him laugh more quietly.

"I'm sorry I had to forgive me." He begged softly wrapping me in a small hug, which I had to return I mean it was Spencer giving out hugs, when does he ever do that?

"I'll forgive you, as long as you don't tell Derek I was ditching?" I pleaded to him softly watching him bring out his pinky for me.

"Pinky swear." He reassured me, the gentle smile staying on his lips. I carefully wrapped my pinky around his wiggling it gently.

"Tough day?" He asked softly. 

"Always." I responded back sighing blowing out a small raspberry shifting.

"Everyone is so caught up in a false reality at my school,  they don't see the bigger picture.  If that makes sense," I explained my eyes fixated on watching the water in the pond

"No that totally makes sense high school is the worse," Spencer told me nodding his head.

"Its harder for me because, I'm the odd one, everyone knows my brother is an FBI agent I'm seventeen , I'm 5'1 and the list goes on and on." I rambled gently.

I felt Spencer lay his head on my shoulder.  "I actually sort of like you the way you are your funny, sweet, kind, short." He playfully chuckled making me giggle quietly.

I lightly poked his nose watching him wiggle it. "I like how you are too, you're really smart, tall, in my book cool, and funny I like your jokes." I praised him watching him smile to himself.

"Wow, Tate that means a lot really." He told me gently.

"I mean every word swear it." I exclaimed our pinkys once again locked with each other slightly.

"Tate can I ask you a question?" An hour into the two of us hanging out looking up at the sky and clouds.

"Sure Spencer what is it?" I responded gently. 

"Do you ever feel little?" He suddenly questioned and that made me tilt my head up in confusion.

"Well yeah, I'm 5'1 while your almost 6'0." I joked watching him crack a smile.

"No not that kind of little but like, do you ever feel like not yourself?" He tried rewording his sentence licking his inner cheek gently.

My breath intake softly and I was gonna freak out I thought I had been hiding it well. "N-no n-no how did you figure out, I thought I had been hiding it well." I gently whispered panicking quickly sitting up.

Spencer quickly followed suit looking panicked as well. "No no, Tate please don't panic I didn't mean to upset you at all, it's just recently I noticed your behavior resembles that of a little, shy, quiet, lots of stuff animals, the squealing that's all I promise." He told me in a comforting tone.

I started picking at the sweater I wore slowly nodding my head. "B-back, when I was eleven something, happened at school, and I was sent to a mental hospital." I quietly explained watching Spencer face me.

  "They use to give me so many medications some so random, that to help myself I developed a little space mindset, I'm five in that mindset," I whispered.

"That's really terrible I'm sorry that happened to you, sweetie, can I maybe try something?" He offered in a more soft and gentle tone.

I slowly nodded my head again watching Spencer chew at his lower lip, before he spoke to me in the most calming and well-spoken tone giving me a soft smile.

"It's okay little one, I promise you nothing can harm you at all Tate little one." Almost instantly after he spoke, I slipped straight into the mindset melting into my sweater gently watching him.

"Spencer? how'd you make me slip?" I asked him softly, seeing the brightest smile go across his face.

"I've had some practice that's all sweetie, here do you want hugs?" He asked once again softly. I quickly nodding moving a little closer to him nervous. He carefully wrapped his arms around my back, bringing me closer letting me rest my head on his neck, his fingers running up and down my spine.

"It's okay, you're safe I promise sweetie you're all safe." He whispered.  I kept my eyes shut and gripped onto him even more tightly relaxing and slipping more into the mindset nothing like this ever happening like this ever. And I liked it. I liked that Spencer was able to make me slip.

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