Chapter Twenty

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Tate's Pov
"Oh my gosh Tate I can't believe you are eighteen you still are so short."

"Tate how are you so smart?"

"Hey shortie!"

"Tate can you help me on my next exam?" It was a consent reminder everyday during college. I usually got one out of two comments. I was super short for being eighteen now, or I got commented on for being extremely smart.

I wasn't really ready for the full year in and half on how different being a legal adult was. I had no one to guide me, I had no one really expect for the few friends I made during my first semester but just like in high school, I was a loner.

I wish that it was as simple as me being able to use my little space, but for the pure thought for my constant exams and for my studies I pushed my little aside back and hid it away. The first year was so tough and hard.

I would call Spencer all the time when he wasn't busy, he would tell me about the cases he would tell about everything he could with excitement.  Derek and me video called all the time. So far everything was as simple as it could be.

I groaned letting out a small chuckle staring at my laptop screen where Spencer also sat with his own laptop laughing at my misery.

"You look like you haven't slept in days baby." He commented, I shook with small laughter holding my forehead more almost banging my head on my desk, my hand then going to tug my curly hair back.

"I had to study for this test, I had to memorize a whole bunch of mental disorders. " Spencer hummed deeply, leaning on close.

"Knowing you, you studied all night go to sleep." He demanded to me. I rubbed at my tense forehead, taking a small look over towards where the stuff animals where hidden, I was very tempted to slip into little space, but shook it away.

"I would sleep early, but my roommate is a huge party animal." I scrunched my nose up amused, and heard Kat exclaiming loudly from the bathroom.

"Tate! Go get dressed you are coming to this party tonight." I let a small groan out watching Spencer's eyes flash concerned, me and her were pretty chill friends.

"You should try and enjoy the experience baby girl, you might enjoy it." He chuckled at me leaning on his hand staring at me more.

"All parties are the same babe, they are people drinking. Legally I can't drink yet, grinding and loud music." I started making off things.

"Tate you can talk to your hot FBI boyfriend later come on." Her whining got the times more louder and I saw Spencer blush.

"I see you talk about me a lot, listen just try this one party and if you don't like, parties aren't your thing you can call me later and I'll answer okay." I pouted just slightly, I agreed I never knew I would like it unless I actually tried.

"Alright I'll try." I grumbled blowing Spencer a kiss goodbye he did the same with a smile we ended the video call. I stood up going to look through my clothes spotting a simple pair of skinny jeans, and graphic t and a jean jacket. Well here goes nothing.

Parties were... Something else really. I was correct about it being loud, lots of drinking games, kissing, and just things I wasn't use to. I had lost my roommate Kat half way through the party so I found myself sitting outside with my phone with a cup of water at my side scrolling through my phone while messaging Spencer.

Parties seriously suck ass when you can't drink babe, I rather be talking to you or cuddling you.

I pressed send and let my head face up to the sky taking a huge breath in before my phone buzzing again, I stared down at my phone with a smile at Spencer's message that popped up.

We are both the same in so many ways, I wanna cuddle you too, I hope you come visit next month spring break starts right?

I stood up leaving the cup where it was starting to walk back to my dorm on campus typing away, right when I was about to press send I felt a rough hand come in contact yanking me.

Out of reflects from the self defense classes I took. I knocked my elbow into the males nose fast, the one night I forgot my damn pepper spray.

"Fucking shit!" I yelped out feeling another pair of much more muscular arms wrapped around me. I dropped my phone in the process on the lawn and screamed out quickly kicking, screaming and biting from all the arms around.

"Fuck dude just lift her up its not that hard!" I was panicking, and fear struck through me. I roughly clamped my teeth down on the hand that was trying to cover my mouth from my screams, the large spread of blood went though my mouth.

"Fuck!" Another hand quickly knocked me with a rough punch and I tasted my own metallic blood. But I didn't stop fighting, I spat out the blood the coated my mouth and kept kicking. I refused to be taken to a isolated area to be killed. I didn't even get a chance to get a look at any of the guys before I was slammed into the back seat of a truck I assumed.

I started crying when I felt a heavy body ontop of me feeling my hands and feet were tied before a blind fold was slipped over my eyes.

*A little warning the next few couple chapters are gonna get really dark, and I apologize in advance

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