Chapter Thirty Nine

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Tate's Pov
"Spencer I really don't think this is safe at all- what if something bad happens?" I questioned, the little sparks of anxiety fueled out of nowhere. I should have a little more faith in Spencer and the whole team. But this was more dangerous then any other case they have done. It was real people who'd jobs was killing people for pay.

Spencer turned around for a moment eyes soften as he looked at me, flashing me a kind reassuring smile.

"I know it's seemed terrifying from first glance Cat only hunts men. Especially men who have done some thing. I promise it will all be okay. You are staying with Savannah and Garcia for the rest of the night." I once again nodded my head gently at him, still feeling the angry butterflies eating up my stomach.

He shoved the fake wedding ring over his finger before he walked over to me, pressing a single but very firm kiss to my temple with a a soft smile cradling my cheeks in his palms for one small moment.

"Its the least we can do for Garcia to be safe princess that's all. I would go undercover for you and anyone I cared about. Morgan and Tara everyone will be there." Yes Tate have faith... Just for the first time don't have worries and just be at ease that he can do his job the right way. He had been doing it for years now.

My lips purses together slightly firm like before I found myself nodding my head deeply a few short times, giving him a very gentle like smile.

"Make sure to th safe Spencer I mean it, you like to keep yourself in danger a lot, it's like it follows you." I joked fixing up his tie looping it a few times with ease looking back up at him, feeling him press his lips to mine for a very quick but soft motion of a tender kiss, his soft chuckles sounding out quietly.

"I can't promise that it with find me, but that I'll try and stop it as quickly as I can." I grinned lightly tapping the edge of his nose a couple times.

"I'll be waiting for your return, also tell Derek to stop worrying so much too, cause when he worries then I worry and it's a huge cycle." I gestured round and round.

"Like brother, like sister."

Savannah was one probably the only girl I liked dating Derek. She was an extremely smart nurse, she cared about Derek even when they were going through their upside downs mash ups. Our first meeting wasn't awkward she bought me coffee and we had been close every since, with a few girl dates here and there. She's was amazing in my eyes, very much so.

"Garcia maybe you should take it easy." A small chuckle left me quietly moving away from the window shutting the blinds, rushing over to aid Savannah in getting Garcia to sit down. She had a little too much to drink. Strong liquor at that.

"No no baby Morgan I'm fine!" I held back a small snort a little as I held her warm hands in my own.

"Tate you too, should be resting." Savannah have me her very from nurse talk voice causing me to laugh a little rubbing at the back of my head a couple  times.

"The alcohol smell is making my nose hurt." I said through my soft laughter. Her smile was thrown my way before she was walking off to the kitchen coming back a few short seconds later handing over a bottle of Apple juice to me.

"Here I keep it stocked all the time cause I love Apple juice." I thanked her as soon as she handed it over to me, I instantly started drinking it, letting the fruity taste wash over me, the coldness went down straight me in a very relaxing way. Finishing that quickly, Savannah yanked out her phone for a minute gesturing for me to head outside.

I tossed away the now empty bottle heading out the house. I quickly spirited down the steps off the porch were Derek and Spencer were making their way up. Spencer looked instantly upset but a soft grin made his way over his features, holding his arms out for me, allowing me to toss my arms around his neck he lifted me up with ease hugging me tightly.

"Oh gosh I was so worried the whole night." I muttered, keeping my head over his neck nuzzling him a few times.

"I know babygirl, I'm so sorry you know worrying isn't good for you." He pressed a few short kisses to my temple, setting me back down on the sidewalk, I then lightly punched Derek on his arms in tune he just tossed his arm around me yanking me towards him to hug.

"I expected you to hug me first, I'm hurt." I held his waist with a chuckle, staring at him even more patting at his waist even more patting at his chest.

"I knew you could be okay big guy, you were keeping undercover with a crazy assassin." He rolled his eyes playfully at me. Spencer looking his arm to pull me back towards him to stand near him. My attention right away switched over to watch Garcia also coming out Savannah casually also moving quickly to follow after.

"Oh my god!" Garcia exclaimed quickly rushing over to Derek with, who was very much confused but also amused his concern once faded.

"Oh hey, woah woah. What is happening right now?" He called out to her, I watched her stumble having a hard time holding back cause of drunk Garcia.

"You're what's going on right now, it's what going on," Yeah she was too drunk cause even Spencer was silently laughing up a storm.

"Its done the dirty dozen is done." Savannah scratched at the back of her head a few times.

"How much did she have?" He questioned looking between us.

"She started off with jaeger." Savannah stated through soft some laughter.

" Jaeger?" Derek repeated in shock. Garcia cupped at his face with some more drunk giggles.

"I love you, and you I love you so much." She pointed at Spencer. "And I love you a ton Baby Morgan!" I started to laugh not being able to hold it back one bit, "And you I should be jealous of you because you're so hot, but I'm not." Spencer pressed his head to rest on my shoulder still shaking with laughter.

I felt like now would be well the best time. Savannah had ran back off into the house after Garcia.

"Hey you two, so I have a little something to tell you both." The two very distracted male's turned back around to face me. Now I was even more nervous but I found myself smiling digging in my pocket.

"So you remember how we did those checks ups with Savannah?" Spencer was the first to nod his head at me.

"Yeah I did it for some testing which I also need to talk about, but is something wrong?" The urgency grew in his voice, causing Derek to even perk up tense in his body.

"No no I'm okay! I'm fine actually." I laughed softly pulling the object out from my pocket slowly showing it to the both of them.

"Just a Baby Morgan.... Is an actually real thing now." Derek's eyes were wide so quickly.

"No way... Are you serious?!" He exclaimed out happiness leaving him, Spencer was very much frozen looking at the test, moving closer to stare at it.

"No no I'm serious I had blood work, and did one of these little test to make sure-" I was cut off by very quick and passionate kiss press to my lips, loud giggles leaving me suddenly very taken back by that reaction.

"You're pregnant? Like actually pregnant?! That's amazing baby oh my goodness I have no words!" I was lifted up into another hug being spun around so quickly I was fearful I was gonna puke but the warmth clouded me all the worries of the reactions I had fading away.

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