He sighed, okay, so maybe Eliza did have a point. That didn't mean he had to like it, though. And he was still confused as to why Angelica had even come up with this idea.

Eliza and Angelica were definitely keeping something from him.

"Fine," He huffed, giving into what he thought was an absolutely ludicrous idea.

He could swear that when he gave in Angelica seemed to have given Eliza a look as if to say thank you. Now he for sure knew his wife and sister-in-law were keeping secrets from him, and he was determined to find out what.


The day of the ball had finally arrived and while Alexander was excited for the celebration of his marriage he also couldn't wait to uncover the secrets his wife and Angelica were keeping from him.

The secret that seemed to involve Angelica, Eliza, and Thomas Jefferson. The possibilities were endless and some of the scenarios that were flowing around in his mind made him shudder.

"Alexander, Thomas Jefferson is here. We should grab Angelica and greet him." Alexander would rather eat his own shoe but he decided against voicing that thought, and instead let his wife drag him towards Angelica and Peggy.

"Angelica, Thomas is here. Eliza said when she reached Angelica who was busy talking to Peggy.

"Peggy you look wonderful," Eliza said to the youngest of the Schuyler sister bunch. "Alexander and I were just going to grab Angelica and greet Thomas, you should tag along." At this Peggy's eyes seemed to light up with excitement a look only a little sister could master.

"Of course," Peggy said, smirking at Angelica who seemed to be blushing. This was starting to freak Hamilton out. Why would Angelica be blushing? Why would Peggy be so excited about simply greeting Thomas? Alexander didn't think he was that great, to be honest, an opinion he was perfectly okay with voicing.

"Well, off we go then." Said Eliza, linking her arms with Peggy who did the same with Angelica so that Peggy was in the middle of the sisters. Alexander followed closely behind, he was certainly not as excited about seeing Jefferson.

They reached Jefferson and the sisters unlinked. Hamilton stepped forward so that he was standing next to his wife. "Hello Jefferson," Alexander said, not even bothering to plaster on a fake smile or sound the teeniest bit happier.

"Alexander." Jefferson nodded his head towards the man before he directed his attention towards Angelica and his mood was suddenly uplifted.

"Angie, it's nice to see you again." He said smiling, like an actual smile; not the condescending or taunting smile Hamilton usually got from him.

Oh, and the nickname. Angie? Alexander was led to believe that they had a few conversations, maybe even acquaintances, but here Thomas was, smiling like a fool and using a nickname Alexander had never heard anyone use. In fact, no one had a nickname for Angelica, not even her sisters.

Angelica's eyes widened as he used the nickname, but she quickly recovered. "Thomas, it's lovely to see you too." She said smiling, not as hard as Thomas but Alexander has never seen this smile directed to anyone. It was like it was reserved for Thomas and Thomas only.

Peggy cleared her throat and Thomas reluctantly drew his eyes away from Angelica. "Ahh, the lovely Peggy Schuyler." He said smiling a little less but it was still a genuine smile, one that once again, Alexander was not used to.

"The one and only," Peggy said, holding her hand out for him to shake.

He took her hand and shook it before turning to Eliza.

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