"Is it my imagination or are you two beginning to enjoy yourselves," Gauis says 

I almost jumped out of my skin Gauis had appeared out of nowhere I mean for an old man he walks very quietly.

"Well, it isn't totally horrible all the time," Merlin confesses 

Merlin was enjoying himself I could see it on his face.  Arthur was also doing well but that was no surprise.

"Yes!" Merlin shouts.

Gauis laughs. Arthur had of course won.  The next knights up were Knight Valiant and another knight that I did not know. Valiant knocked the other knight over but he still knelt down with his shield on the other knight not long after Valiant stood up and knocked the knight out. I turned around and saw Merlin walking over to Arthur so I followed.

"I think he's badly hurt," I say to Merlin and Arthur.

I turn around and saw Gaius walking into the stadium I didn't know what happened after that because I went with Merlin to help get the armor off Arthur, later that evening Merlin and I walk into Gaius's chambers and see that the knight that was hurt was lying on Gaius's bed.

"How is he?" Merlin asks.

"It's most odd. look at this," Gaius says to us.

Merlin and I walk over to him and bend down to see what Gaius is showing us.

"See these two small wounds? It looks like a snakebite."  Gaius says pointing to the two wounds

"How could he have been bitten by a snake? He was injured in the sword fight." Merlin asks

"Yet his symptoms are consistent with poisoning, slow pulse, fever, paralysis," Gaius says.

"Can you help him?" I ask 

"Well if it was a snake I would need the venom from that snake to make an antidote." He says 

"And what happens if he doesn't get the antidote?" Merlin asks

"I'm afraid there will be nothing else I can do for him." Gaius sighs

Then I thought of something "He was fighting knight Valiant.

Merlin knew what I was thinking we both head to the door we are following knight Valiant which probably isn't the best idea but it's all we have for now Merlin carefully opens his bedroom door and we both glance into his room. He was opening a box of some sort when he opened it he took out a mouse.

"Dinnertime," he says.

He hangs the mouse over the shield and three snakes come out of it I look up at Merlin and he was just as shocked as I was. Merlin takes a deep breath grabs my arm and runs away.  I'm glad he did because Valiant came outside just after we left. Merlin and I burst into Gaius's chambers

"We've just seen one of the snakes on Valiants shield come alive. He's using magic," Merlin says out of breath. 

"Are you sure?" Gaius asks

"Yes! I saw it too,  it came alive." I say to him

"The snake ate a mouse. one swallow, straight down, Ewan was fighting Valiant when he collapsed. It must've been one of the snakes from the shield. I have to tell Arthur!" Merlin says 

Gaius stands up "Is there any chance you might be mistaken?" 

"We know magic when we see it, Gaius," I say 

"Perhaps, but do you have any proof?" He asks

"Don't you believe us?" Merlin says looking hurt.

"I fear you two will get yourselves in trouble." He says sternly "How would you explain why you were in Valiants chambers?"

"Why does that matter?" I ask

"He's using magic to cheat in the tournament," Merlin says

"Well you can't accuse a knight of using magic without proof," Gauis says. " The king would never accept a word of a servant over the word of a knight." 

"So what we say doesn't matter?" I ask 

"Well, it counts for very little as far as the king is concerned." Gauis says calmly

Merlin and I look at each other then we storm off into our room.

"It's not fair we can probably save people's lives but no one will believe us." I sulk 

"I know Liv it is not fair but there is nothing we can do now get some rest we will figure something out tomorrow," Merlin says to me.

The Destiny of twoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें