"Merry Christmas!" Hazel decided to say, a big smile on her face as Hermione and Ron stared at them in shock.

"Merry Christmas, Haze," Hermione replied. The black haired girl sat down on the bed next to her two friends as the twins sat on Ron's closed trunk.

"Don't go downstairs for a bit," George told the couple, ruffling his hair.

"Why not?" Ron wondered, glad they were ignoring the prior situation.

"Mum's crying again," Fred explained briefly, exhaling. "Percy sent back his Christmas jumper. We tried comforting her -"

"Didn't work," George finished, earning a nod from his brother. "So, Sarah took over. Best let her cheer her up before we go down for lunch, I reckon."

Ron sighed, cursing under his breath. "This is going to be the worst Christmas ever," he muttered. Hermione gave him a sad nod, resting her head on his shoulder. "At least Percy won't be here, I guess..."

"Yeah well, neither will dad," George grumbled, glaring at his feet.

"Or Angie..." Fred muttered, shaking his head. Hazel looked at him with sorrow. "Kind of wish we could just skip today all together," the three brothers nodded.

In that moment, watching the three of them mope, Hazel made the executive decision to let them know the truth. "I have some good news," she piped up, smiling warmly. The twins shared a confused glance before turning towards her. Ron's gaze landed on her expectantly. "Someone is joining us for Christmas..."

"If you're going to say Bill and Fleur -" Ron groaned, not wanting to get excited.

"Well, yes," Ron and Fred rolled their eyes while George sighed deeply. "But also your dad," they all turned back to face her once more, eyes wide.

"What?" Fred asked. "H-How do you know?" He questioned skeptically. 

Hazel chuckled. "Your mum told my grandparents. He'll be here for dinner," they all let out a happy laugh, Ron hugged Hermione tightly and the twins both stood up to embrace Hazel in a bear hug. "Okay! Okay!" She giggled, pulling away. "Just don't tell Ginny because it was supposed to be a surprise," they all chuckled. "It'll still be a great surprise for her."

The group all made their way downstairs for Christmas lunch a few hours later, smiles on their faces. Molly had stopped crying, thanks to Hazel's grandparents and their words of kindness. They all sat down in the dining room. The girl walked over to the kitchen to get a glass of water. There she spotted Sirius standing by the stove, cooking. "You're cooking?" She asked, though the answer was pretty obvious.

The man turned around with a chuckle. "Well, yes," he answered, laughing at her question. "I used to cook all the time with James and Remus -"

"He didn't cook with us, he burnt what we cooked," Remus interrupted, entering the kitchen. The two of them turned around to face him. "And made messes," he added, making the man gasp.

Hazel chuckled as they began play fighting. "I burnt your food on purpose once after you went out for a butterbeer with James without me," he cleared up, making Remus chuckle and shake his head. "I'm your life partner Rem! You're supposed to take me out for butterbeers," the man complained as his soulmate placed a hand on his lower back.

"Well I learned my lesson - and so did James," Remus retorted, thinking back on that day with a melancholic grin. "I never left without you again, did I?" Sirius shook his head, pursing his lips. "Alright, then."

As Hazel poured herself that glass of water, she saw from the corner of her eye, her godfather steal a small kiss from Sirius, thinking she wasn't looking. "Woah," Harry's voice coming from the doorway. The three of them snapped their heads towards him. The couple looked at Harry in shock. "Wow, sorry I - " he blushed a deep shade of red. "I was just gonna grab some water too," he walked over to Hazel, taking a glass and quickly filling it up. "I really am blind, aren't I?" He mumbled under his breath.

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