In that moment, she could've sworn his eyes glistened with tears. However, they cleared seconds later. He said nothing, but his eyes spoke plenty as she turned back around and walked over to her soulmate, holding his hand and stepping out of the Hospital Wing. Despite the fact that Draco had been heartless towards her, Hazel knew there had to be a reason behind it. No fifteen year old behaves like that without having a motive.

"What did you say to him?" George asked as they neared the Common Room.

Hazel shrugged, holding his hand tighter once the four of them walked in. "Just told him to talk to someone, he has issues, clearly -"

"What happened?" Angelina rushed over to them, holding Fred's hands nervously. "Why isn't anyone saying anything?" She turned to Hazel with a fearful expression.

"Angie..." The black haired girl began.

"Oh, no - no, no," Angelina shook her head, letting go of Fred's hands. "Don't 'Angie' me! What happened?"

Hazel sighed, shaking her head. "They were going to get a week's detention but - "

" - okay, that's not so bad -"

"- but," Hazel emphasised, stopping the girl before she got too excited. "Umbridge came in and banned them from playing Quidditch," Angelina turned to look at Fred, shaking her head as her hands covered her mouth.

"For how long?" She asked her soulmate, feeling her heart beating out of her chest. Fred pursed his lips. "Frederick Gideon Weasley, you better answer or so help me Merlin... For how long?"

The older twin looked down at her with regret in his eyes. "For life," he mumbled, bracing himself for impact. And boy, it was rough.

"For... Life..." Hazel bit her lip as she watched Angelina's hands reach up to her hair. "FOR LIFE?" She yelled. "WHY WOULD YOU - HOW COULD YOU - GAH!" She pulled on her roots angrily, dropping her arms to the sides. "MY TWO BEATERS AND MY SEEKER. MY TWO BEATERS AND MY SEEKER!" She screamed as the boys took steps back, away from her in fear. "WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?" Angelina paced around the room, still screaming. "YOU THREE JUST COULDN'T STOP YOURSELVES, COULD YOU? COULDN'T YOU STOP AND THINK? HOW WILL I FIND TWO NEW BEATERS AND A SEEKER? HOW?"

The blue eyed girl stroked George's hand softly, knowing he was kicking himself just as much as Angie was yelling at them. "We'll recruit during the next weeks," Alicia approached her friend as she began crying out of frustration. "It's okay, it's okay," she wrapped her arms around Angie into a tight hug. Hazel turned to look at Fred, who had an unreadable look on his face. They made eye contact and Hazel signalled for him to go to her.

Slowly, the boy exchanged places with Alicia, embracing her gently. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Hazel heard Fred murmuring against her head as they hugged.

Angie shook her head, wrapping her arms around his waist. "I'm sorry you got kicked out... I know how much you love playing," she replied, sniffling against his chest. "I just - I just wanna go to bed," Fred nodded, walking with her towards the stairs.

As the pair said their goodbyes, Harry looked at the ground. He hadn't said a word since McGonagall's office. Hazel bit her lip as the boy walked towards her, their eyes met and Harry sighed. "Something happened at that Halloween party two years ago," he wasn't asking. Hazel nodded slowly, her grip on George's hand tightening. "I won't ask," Harry raised his hands, making her calm down. "I just wanted to let you know I'm here for you," he told her softly.

"Thank you, Harry," Hazel mumbled, giving him a small smile. "Do you remember when we were at the Quidditch World Cup?" Harry nodded, frowning. "When Lucius told me that Bole sent his regards?" George clenched his jaw in fury, glaring at the wall. Harry's eyes widened in realisation. "Yeah..." Hazel didn't know what else to say, so she simply shrugged. "It'll be okay," she settled on saying.

Soulmates - George WeasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora