Draco POV

I was wrong.

What I did last night did not help me. I really thought I was jealous of her shagging Weasley, but it wasn't that. I know they're just friends, I really do.

But when she runned past me to follow him, I couldn't help but feel...sad. She obviously wouldn't run to talk to me in the middle of the Great Hall, but something inside of me thought she would. For fuck's sake I was already smiling! I hate myself.

My head was everywhere but the dinner. I can't say one word my friends said even If my life depends on it. My thought was around Harvey, and what she was doing, and why she came for him instead of me.

When I finished eating, me, Crabbe and Goyle went back to our common room. If I got lucky, she was going to be there.


Well, she was definitely there.

But lucky was the last word to describe myself right now.

She was seated on the green sofa with him. They were really close, and she was laughing louder at something he said. He kept speaking and she begged for him to stop, as if she was going to die if he kept making her laugh.

To my surprise, I wasn't jealous of their proximity. I wasn't jealous of the way his arms were resting besides her seat. I wasn't jealous of her legs almost over his thighs. I wasn't jealous of the way she slapped her hand on his chest, or even the way her head laid on his shoulder.

The feeling burning inside my chest was envy. I envied Weasley with all of my heart. I don't want to fuck Harvey right now. I want to make her laugh. I want to cuddle her. I want her to look as safe as she looks with him. I want to hug her like he is right now. I want her to trust me. I'm done taking little bites of her. I want it all.

"Mate." Louis muttered, waking me back to reality "You're been staring for a while now. Come." he tilted his head for me to follow him. I did without questioning.

I followed him to my dorm, and I sat on bed watching him take the chair in front of him.

"What?" I asked after a minute in silence.
"We both know you want to talk. So talk."
"I don't want to. I'm just fine."
"Malfoy, I saw the way you were looking at them. Just tell me." I sighed.

"I'm done. I will end up that stupid deal we made."
"Your relationship with her?" he asked in a mocking way "Why is that?"
"It's not satisfying me anymore."
"And what satisfies you, Malfoy?" he leaned on to me, arching his eyebrows in a knowing way. I fucking hate this guy. He doesn't know shit.

"You wanna know why, Jones? It's because I'm fucking done. When I walk back to my dorm at night to fuck her I'm not satisfied anymore. I'm done with this meaningless shit. I want to talk to her. To hear her. I've never had something like this. You saw the way the tears were going down her cheek when she laughed? The only time something like that happened was because of pleasure. And I'm not saying it's bad, because it isn't. It feels fucking awsome have her just for me, but it's not enough anymore. I want more. I need more." I shouted it all, without thinking about it.

He leaned back on the chair, crossed his legs with a smug grin on his face.
"May I say I warned you, or it is too soon?"
"Oh go fuck yourself, you twat."
"I just needed to say it. But now, I'll give you my advice."
"I don't want it."

"What you have to do is talk to her. You're the worst person when involved to talk about your feelings, but you have to do it if you want more."
"I just said everything I was feeling, how can I not be good at that?" he grimaced and shook his head.

"Yeah, right...So... about that...This cannot happen. There's no way you will yell at her and expect her to fall on your feet. You know that, right?"
"Mhm, yes. Totally." I lied and he obviously realized.

"It's a simple plan. One, you'll invite her on a date. Maybe dinner. Two, tell her how you feel. And three... There's no three! See how easy it was?"
"Yeah, easy... " I mumbled.

"Let's practice a little bit. Pretend I'm Katherine and invite me to dinner on Hogsmeade."
"First of all, she doesn't cross her legs like this when she's seated." he rolled his eyes.
"It doesn't matter."
"Well, if you want me to pretend you're her, you have to at least look like her."
"Fine, loverboy." he adjusted his position "Now do it."

"Harvey, come have dinner with me saturday on hogsmeade."
"Invite me first, you asshole." he snapped with an annoyed look and I frowned.
"Man, what the hell?"
"That's the answer she will give to you if you ask her like that. It's not a command, you don't have to play dom and sub in times like that. Now do it again." I sighed and did it again.

"Harvey, are you doing something on saturday? Because I was thinking it would be nice if we could go to hogsmeade together and have dinner. I know that we don't hang out alone but I think we could do it for a chan..." I was interrupted by Louis snoring.
"What it is now?" I groaned.
"You're making a speech, man. This is not going to work." he mumbled to himself before snapping his fingers and standing up "Look, I have a plan."

Narrator POV

After a lot of talk, they left Draco's dorm to execute the first step of their plan. The boys went to the common room, and luckily, Katherine was just giving Ron a goodbye kiss on the cheek. She waved at him and watched the ginger disappear into the hallway.

She closed the door and turned around, yelping in scare when she found Draco and Louis behind her with a suspicious expression.
"Hey, Kath."
"Harvey." Draco nodded.
"Hey, guys." she said, squeezing her eyes at them.

"Sunday is my mom's birthday. I haven't bought her anything yet, so I'm going this saturday to Hogsmeade to buy her something. Malfoy knows all of the best stores, and you have a wonderful taste..."
"Yes, your taste is really good." Draco said, nodding to assure his affirmative.

"Yeah..." Louis continued, so his friend doesn't look like a fool any longer in front of her "And I want you to go with us, me and Malfoy. If that's okay by you, because if it is not, that's fine too. But please do it, it would help me a lot and I don't want to disappoint my mom, you know. After she did so much for me." he said, looking slightly desperate for her to say yes. But luckily, she was too sleepy to even notice.
"Yes, sure. It will be great! I'm really tired so I'm going to sleep. Goodnight boys." she said and squeezed their shoulders at the same time, walking past them while stretching her arms.

"That was really fucking good, Louis." Malfoy said sarcastically.
"Hey, you're the one who's getting the girl and I'm the one doing all of the work. So shut it."
"Whatever." he rolled his eyes.

So... I hope you liked it!

This was one of the funniest chapters to write, I love writing about Lou and Draco! Speaking of the devil, my man is so whipped😭

See you soon!

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