Every student turned their heads at the sound, the majority of them looking at the hat with surprise and admiration, while most Slytherins stared with disgust. "You have to get me one of those!" George told Luna with a big smile on his face, making Hazel grin. "That was great!" Luna nodded with bright eyes, finally feeling welcome.

"Anyway, I have to go," Luna stood back up, grabbing a piece of toast from a plate from the centre of the table. "Good luck on your first game, Ron!" At the mention of his name, the boy whimpered, stuffing his face with more eggs, feeling his nerve heightening.

After a few minutes, Angelina stood up, rolling her eyes at Ron's actions. "We have to get going," she said. Alicia, Fred and George stood up. "Ron?" The boy looked up with a terrified look on his face. "Now."


Hazel and Hermione walked to the stands. The black haired girl was proudly wearing George's jersey. Hermione held a sign that read 'GO GRYFFINDOR'. She also had a red R painted on her cheek and Hazel matched her look with a golden G.

Both teams made their way to the centre of the pitch, Angelina and Graham Montague, the Slytherin captain, shook hands. Hazel and George locked eyes from afar, her heart fluttering at the sight. George waved at her, a loving smile on his face. Hazel returned the wave before she screamed. "GO GEORGIE!" The boy chuckled, shaking his head with red cheeks.

The players mounted their brooms, George's attention quickly shifting to their opposing team, Angelina's yelling still ringing in his ears. Madam Hooch blew the whistle and the balls were released into the sky. The game had begun. Everyone flew around, Angelina being the first to grab the quaffle, flying towards the Slytherin hoops.

"And we're off!" Lee's voice boomed through the speakers. "Oh! Already - it's Johnson with the quaffle!" Lee announced, a smile readable on his tone. "There she goes, passes it to Spinnet, yes! Amazing pass, received by my beautiful soulmate - "

" - JORDAN! -"

" - another of my well known fun facts, Professor McGonagall," Lee dismissed, continuing his task. "Back to Johnson! She nears the hoops - no! She takes a hit from a bludger! Blimey, Crabbe! Be careful!" Hazel flinched as Angelina let the quaffle go, holding her back. Fred flew over to her but was quickly shooed away by an angry Angelina. "Montague has the quaffle, he's heading back up the pitch and - NICE MOVE," George hit the bludger in Montague's direction. As the boy tried to avoid the hit, he let go of the quaffle. "Amazing move by our own George Weasley!"

"GO GEORGE!" Hazel yelled with excitement, cheering him on.

Suddenly, Alicia got the quaffle back and began flying past the rest of the Slytherin team, towards their hoops. And that is when Hazel's heart stopped. "Weasley cannot save a thing! He cannot block a single ring! That's why Slytherins all sing: Weasley is our King!" Hermione turned to Hazel with a pale look on her face.

"What is the crowd singing?" Lee asked loudly, making Hazel curse under her breath. "Oh, no," his voice sounded lower once he realised what was happening.

"Weasley was born in a bin! He always lets the Quaffle in! Weasley will make sure we win! Weasley is our King!" The Slytherins continued singing to further unnerve Ron.

Hazel shook her head as she made eye contact with George once again, who felt deeply offended by the song. Not only was it towards his brother, it also held his last name in it, and he wouldn't let it slide. "GO GEORGE!" Hazel yelled louder, encouraging her soulmate, who hit a bludger with an angry scream. "God," she muttered as Hermione flinched. "He's fuming..." The curly haired girl nodded nervously.

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