33. "Studying" (Part 3)

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Sitting next to Hoseok at his kitchen table was ten times scarier than sitting next to him at school. When they were in the classroom, Yoongi didn't have a choice about his seating arrangements; he could could continue to pretend like he hated Hoseok and wanted nothing to do with him, sitting as far away from him as possible.

But the kitchen table was different. There were no pre-assigned seating arrangements being held over their heads, and there was no teacher forcing them to work on their assignments together. Yoongi was sitting next to Hoseok simply because he wanted to. This was the first time in months that he'd willingly put himself in the position of interacting with him, and Hoseok was very obviously elated.

He hadn't stopped smiling ever since he'd sat back down, the little dimples on his cheeks appearing quite frequently. But unlike before, his eyes had a certain glow to them, like the life in him had finally been sparked. Hoseok's genuine happiness was one of the most beautiful things to ever exist, and Yoongi hadn't known just how simple it would be to see it again. Not to mention, it was totally adorable how he'd been so excited just to sit next to him. It almost made Yoongi want to keep him by his side forever.

Right now, Hoseok was writing down the heading for their paper, his hair falling over his eyes ever so slightly. His handwriting was so pretty, even when he was writing in English. Yoongi hadn't noticed at first, but his pencil had little pink smiley faces all over it, and it was made out of that really shiny material that sparkled in the light. It seemed just like something Hoseok would have.

"What's the first thing you wanna say about me?" Hoseok asked, turning towards him now. He was looking at Yoongi with his pretty eyes and his cute hair that stuck out from underneath his beanie, causing him to nearly melt on the spot. He couldn't think straight when Hoseok was staring at him, so he turned the other direction.

"How do I say you're a weirdo who likes coloring pictures of rainbows?" Yoongi said, taking a quick glance at him, then facing away again. Hoseok startled him when he started laughing and moving his pencil across the paper. He hadn't expected him to actually write that down.

"Like this," Hoseok said, pointing to the sentence he'd just written.  "This is how you would write 'to color.' In English, the verb always goes before its object, so 'rainbows' would come right after. As for 'weirdo', I'm not really sure how you would say it, so we'll just use 'interesting' instead," he said, still giggling.

Yoongi watched as he labeled all of the words, drawing arrows and leaving little notes for him. He even drew tiny hearts next to the reminders he'd made about when and when not to conjugate the verb. He was being so sweet, and while it made Yoongi's heart flutter, it also made him feel incredibly guilty. Not even twenty minutes ago, he'd yelled at Hoseok to leave his house, pushing him to his breaking point. And now here he was, helping Yoongi with his homework and treating him like he hadn't just been a complete dick. He didn't understand.

"Why are you so nice to me?" Yoongi blurted out, letting out a deep sigh. Hoseok stopped writing, his eyes growing wider.

"What do you mean?" he asked, laughing like the question was ridiculous. But Yoongi was completely serious.

"I've been nothing but awful to you for the past month, but you still treat me like we're friends," Yoongi said, putting his face in his hands now. "I don't get it."

"Ah, well..." Hoseok started, gazing off to the side now. His face had suddenly turned very red, and he was tugging on the eraser of his pencil. Then, he took a deep breath, smiling at Yoongi nervously. "The simple answer would be because I love you. There's really not much else to it."

Yoongi took his hands away from his face, looking over at him now, but Hoseok kept his eyes glued to their paper. Happiness started rushing throughout his entire body, his heart beating faster. The truth was, he loved when Hoseok told him these words. In fact, he wanted to hear him say it over and over again, because each time he did, Yoongi felt like he was in heaven.

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