Chapter 14: First date?

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Last school year: May

It just sort of... happened. 

A week had gone by since the day they went to karaoke, and now holding hands had become a daily thing for the two of them. Yoongi was never the one to grab Hoseok's hand first, but he always held his hand tightly and moved in closer to him. Hoseok thought it was the cutest thing.

Yoongi also didn't mind holding his hand in public. During lunch time the day before, Hoseok tried reaching for Yoongi's fingers, and he actually didn't pull away. He thought that Yoongi definitely wouldn't want to hold his hand when Namjoon was just around the corner, but he didn't seem to care. Hoseok had been wearing the biggest smile.

Today was the same. They were sitting in their usual lunch spot, and Yoongi had moved in close enough to him for their shoulders to be touching. Anyone could've known that something was going on between the two of them, but they still weren't exactly sure what it was.

 Being with Yoongi felt like a dream; he was afraid that one day he would blink and everything would disappear. But Yoongi always stayed right beside him, and the warm feeling of his hand in his never went away. Hoseok wanted to take things a little bit further since they still hadn't discussed their relationship, but he wasn't really sure how. For the moment, he was just happy that he got to be this close to Yoongi.

However, Hoseok had been dying to hang out with him after school again. He decided he would try and convince Yoongi to go somewhere with him. Somewhere less crazy.

"Hey," he said to him, poking him on the shoulder. Yoongi turned down the volume on his phone. A few days ago, Yoongi had started sharing his airpods with Hoseok, so now the two of them were always listening to music together. Hoseok wasn't the biggest fan of rap, but he liked getting to know all of Yoongi's favorite bands.

"What is it?" he asked, looking up at him. Luckily Hoseok hadn't interrupted during one of Yoongi's favorite songs, which he knew really disappointed him.

"Let's see a movie after school," he said, giving him a smile. Yoongi wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion.

"A movie? What movie?" he said.

"I dunno," Hoseok shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever looks good. It's more fun if you don't know what you're in for."

Yoongi looked like he was contemplating the idea, his face going serious.

"Just the two of us?" he asked, scratching his head. Hoseok nodded in reply.

"Just the two of us. I mean we don't hang out with anyone else, do we?" he laughed. Yoongi let out a slight giggle.

It was true; they really didn't hang out with anyone else these days. When Hoseok had dated Jin, the whole school knew about it before he even had time to realize what was going on. But nobody really seemed to care that he was spending all of his time with Yoongi now. It was like they were in their own little world, and he really wanted it to stay that way.

Now that Hoseok was thinking about it, he really hoped Jin didn't find out too fast about them, especially since he and Yoongi weren't even in an official relationship. He didn't want to hurt him more than he already had, but they weren't exactly being secretive about it either by holding hands out in the open. Hoseok also hadn't told Yoongi about the whole Jin thing either, and he was pretty sure he was the only one in the entire school who didn't know about their pathetic three-day relationship.

"Do you mean like... like a date?" Yoongi asked, his voice oddly quiet. As soon as they made eye contact, Yoongi quickly turned to look at the ground.

DESK MATES ✔|SOPE|YoonseokOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora