Chapter 19: Jealousy

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Last school year: May

"Thank you."

What the hell was that even supposed to mean? Hoseok had been trying to figure out Yoongi's strange response all day, but the more he thought about it, the more he was starting to get nervous. What if Yoongi really just didn't love him and didn't know what to say? Hoseok knew he was being ridiculous and that he'd probably just been freaked out, but the thought kept creeping into the back of his mind.

Yoongi loved him, didn't he? Things wouldn't have gotten so intimate between the two of them if he didn't, right? Hoseok hated that he was starting to doubt him.

"Are you sure you're not hungry, Hobi?" Jin said, watching as Hoseok stared off into space. He'd joined Namjoon and Jin in the student council room for lunch just like they had planned that morning, but he wasn't eating anything. At the moment, both Jin and Namjoon were eating bread from the school store, and Hoseok was sitting across from them, pretending to listen to whatever they were talking about.

"I'm fine," Hoseok mumbled. He was clearly in an odd mood, but Namjoon and Jin never said anything. Instead, they just looked at each other, as if communicating something Hoseok couldn't hear. Apparenly they'd gotten a lot closer since Hoseok had left.

"So how did you and Yoongi become friends?" Namjoon asked him. Hoseok knew a question like this was bound to happen, but he honestly had no idea what to tell him.

I sat next to him the day I broke up with Jin because I was lonely, and then we started talking

That was the truth, but there was no way he would ever say it in front of them. 

"We started talking the day you introduced us to each other, and I guess we sort of hit it off," Hoseok answered, not wanting to say any more. "By the way," he said, changing the subject, "Yoongi told me that you two like to rap together. Is that true?" he asked, remembering how shocked he'd been when Yoongi first told him. Namjoon's face suddenly lit up.

"Ah, yes!" Namjoon said, laughing as if he'd remembered something. "We used to dream of becoming famous rappers when we were little, it was so adorable. We haven't written anything in a while since we've been so busy, but now that we're living together I've been practically begging him to start up again-"

"Wait, what?" Hoseok said. He was paying full attention now. Namjoon was startled when he cut him off. "You live together?"

He exchanged glances with Jin, just like they always did. It was kind of starting to get annoying. Hoseok rested his face in his hand, waiting for Namjoon to say something.

"Well... yeah," he replied, suddenly looking nervous. Hoseok realized he was staring at him way too intensely. "Has he not told you?"

"No, he hasn't told me anything about that," he said, as if it were obvious.

If he was having doubts about Yoongi's feelings for him before, they were ten times stronger now. Why had he never mentioned such an important detail to him? All he knew was that Yoongi had problems with his other school, just like he'd told him the first day they met. Now that he was thinking about it, he realized that he really didn't know anything about Yoongi's personal life. He knew his likes, his interests, he knew what made him blush, that he was a heavy sleeper, he even knew what he was like in bed... but despite all of that, it seemed like the man sitting in front of him would know Yoongi better than he ever would. He could feel himself starting to panic.

Was it jealousy? No, he didn't get jealous. He was just stressed about what had happened earlier, that had to be it. Although, this definitely didn't help.

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