63. Kookie In Love. Again.

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The Five Stages of Grief

1. Denial

2. Anger

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance


"I'm very disappointed in you two."

Both Taehyung and Jungkook hung their heads as they sat across from their headmaster, his hands firmly laced together over his desk and a look of deep exhaustion in his eyes.

"I was having a good day today, you know?" Mr. Chou told them, neither of them daring to look up. "I was excited for the weekend. I had all of my work done. One of the plants on my windowsill finally started to bloom..."

Mr. Chou let out an exasperated sigh, suddenly reaching into his desk drawer and pulling out two file folders with both of their names neatly written on them.

"And then I get a call," he continued, abruptly slapping both of their folders onto the desk in front of them. "A complaint— from a parent. And guess who it was about?"

Taehyung and Jungkook continued to sit perfectly still, neither of them saying a word.

"That's right," Mr. Chou nodded. "It was about you two."

He then reached into Jungkook's folder, slipping out a pink piece of paper. It was the color of delinquency, of getting intro trouble. Here at their fancy prep school, a pink piece of paper was reserved for only the most shameful of offenses.

"Let's see here," Mr. Chou began, holding the paper up in front of them. "I believe your exact words were that you would 'shove a boy's ass to the ground and staple his mouth shut?'"

Just then, Jungkook harshly bit his lip and continued to keep a straight face, although he could hear Taehyung desperately trying to stifle his laughter as he buried his face in his arm.

"Do you two have problems?" Mr. Chou glared at them with nothing but complete seriousness, yet Jungkook only found it harder to resist his urge to burst into giggles. "Are we turning regular school supplies into weaponry now? Is that what it's come to?"

Both of them shook their heads.

"Well I sure hope not," Mr. Chou said heatedly. "Otherwise the two of you can spend every afternoon doing extra homework assignments in here instead. Would your prefer that?"

They both shook their heads again.

"That's what I thought." Mr. Chou then stood up from his chair, bending down to pick up a box of more envelopes just waiting to be sealed by the two of them. He let it fall onto the desk and made his way over to the door, turning the knob harshly.

Right before he made his way out, he whipped his head back around to face them.

"The two of you will stay an extra hour today," he declared. "And when you finish your task, you can just sit there and be in each other's presence, which I'm sure is much more painful than any homework assignment, isn't it?"

With a slight chuckle, he finally closed the door behind him, the latch making a sharp click.

And as soon as he was gone, both of them didn't hesitate in the slightest to laugh as hard as they possibly could, both of their eyes burning with hot, happy tears.

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