69. Truth or Dare and Face Masks⚠

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A/N: Alright so welcome back to my fluff and smut in one chapter thing 😅 Part 1 is my sope fluff chapter, and part 2 is my smutty chapter (just be prepared tho cause it's like the most explicit part of the whole book and probably needs to be rated like 51+... I'm just trying to experiment with writing this kinda stuff now, y'know? :'))

If it makes you uncomfortable, just exit out when you see the warning () and you can pretend Hobi and Yoongi had a nice, innocent game of Truth or Dare 😉

Also, keep in mind that this is actually two whole chapters, so reading them together might be a bit long... sorry about that part😓



"Admit it, Yoongi. You love it."

Yoongi shook his head, placing his marker cap between his teeth.

"Come on," Hoseok poked his shoulder. "It's not like I'm one to judge you, y'know. Just say it."

Yoongi proceeded to shake his head again, even though he was currently propped up against Hoseok's chest on the floor of his bedroom, coloring a picture of a kitten with diamond sunglasses and putting actual effort into it.

After the two of them had found each other at Namjoon's party, they'd hugged for about two minutes straight, and then they'd immediately left and gone back to Hoseok's place, which they'd both agreed was where they should've just been all along; Yoongi hated crowds of people, and Hoseok hated Yoongi in crowds of people that didn't involve him, so it only made sense. Now they were happily sitting underneath his windowsill, surrounded by a mess of markers on the floor and way too many blankets and pillows.

Yoongi could pretend like he hated every bit of it, but Hoseok would never take him seriously when he had to stop and contemplate every single color he chose, making sure everything fit together nicely.

Oh, and the honey-scented face masks they were currently wearing didn't help either, since Yoongi kept smoothing his out with the tip of his markers every time it threatened to fall off his face.

"Well, you look pretty cute like this, so I guess it doesn't really matter," Hoseok shrugged, kissing the top of his boyfriend's head and rubbing away some of the oils from his face mask that got in his hair.

"Where do you even get these things from?" Yoongi asked him, his eyes narrowing as he tried his best to color in between the thin lines of the diamonds.

"Which ones?" Hoseok laughed. "The coloring sheets, or the face masks?"


Hoseok leaned back against the wall a bit, adjusting himself when Yoongi brought his knees up to his chest, balancing his coloring sheet between his legs for ultimate concentration. "My sister's bedroom," he whispered, cuffing a hand over his mouth. "Don't tell her, though. She gets kinda mad over stuff like that."

Yoongi snapped the cap onto his marker, turning around to glare at him. "Hoseok Jung," he said in a mock-scolding tone, "you can't just take your sister's stuff--"

"Yoongi, she has a whole-ass bedroom literally just sitting there unused for the majority of the year." Hoseok gestured across the hallway, both of them staring out at the door that read "Dawon" in big, sparkly pink letters. And directly under that was a nice little sign that read 'go away', which she'd specifically made for when she started having slumber parties and didn't want her ten-year-old brother trying to gossip about high school drama with her friends.

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