56. Celebratory Ice Cream (part 1)

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"You almost ready, Yoongs?"

"Just a sec!"

Hoseok sat at the bottom of his staircase, patiently playing on his phone as he waited for Yoongi to change out of his school uniform.

Today wasn't going to be just any random after school adventure; Hoseok would be taking Yoongi to his favorite ice cream shop and letting him eat to his heart's content. After all, people who had gotten an A+ on their midterm for the first time ever deserved to be rewarded.

'Proud' didn't even begin to describe it. As soon as Hoseok had heard the news about Yoongi's great achievement, he'd thrown his arms around him and kissed him right in the middle of their English classroom. After the fight that went down a few days before between their idiot friends, things like physical affection were the least of anyone's worries anymore.

Finally, Hoseok heard footsteps coming down the stairs, shoving his cell phone in his back pocket. When he turned around, Yoongi had changed into an oversized black and white striped t-shirt, jeans that were torn in the knees, and plain white sneakers.

Still, Yoongi refused to wear even a trace of actual color, but Hoseok thought it suited him. It was like Yoongi didn't even understand how cool he looked in just the simplest of outfits, and Hoseok had to admit he was totally into that.

"Hey there, beautiful," Hoseok stood up to kiss Yoongi's cheek, taking his hand. "Let's go celebrate your A+ on the midterm!"

Yoongi gave him a smile and a nod, following along as Hoseok led him towards the door.

He never showed it on the outside, but Hoseok could tell Yoongi was proud of himself too. He hadn't stopped staring at the A+ mark on his paper the entire class period, and he'd put the test in a special place in his folder, making sure not to bend the edges. Hoseok thought it was the cutest thing.

"I can really have anything I want?" Yoongi looked up at him with his long eyelashes, Hoseok kissing his nose out of pure instinct.

"That's exactly right, Yoongs," he reassured him. "All the ice cream your heart desires."

At that, Yoongi's eyes instantly lit up, his hand eagerly reaching for the door knob. But before Yoongi could actually open the door, Hoseok held him back, leaning down to whisper in his ear.

"And later tonight, when I'm rewarding you even further in the bedroom, you can have anything you want then, too," Hoseok told him, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. After living with him for quite some time, Hoseok was now able to notice the cute little twitch in Yoongi's lips as he desperately tried to keep a straight face.

Yoongi's hands fumbled with the doorknob, temporarily forgetting which way he was supposed to turn it. When he finally got the door open, he took one step forward before he stumbled backwards, frozen in place.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok poked him on the shoulder, watching his boyfriend stare out the doorway blankly. "Oh no, was it too much? I'm sorry, Yoongs, I didn't mean to make you feel uneasy --"

Just then, Yoongi stepped aside, letting someone else enter the house now.

"Hobi Hyung?"

Hoseok watched Park Jimin make his way carefully through the front door, still dressed in his school uniform and offering him a small smile. Apparently, he did know where his house was.


"Hey," Jimin waved, stepping closer to him. "Were you two going somewhere?"

"We were," Hoseok told him, trying to give Jimin one of his apologetic smiles. "Did you need something?"

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