67. 'Romantic Feelings' (part 1)

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After all the commotion died down, Jungkook sadly didn't have an insane rap concert to use as an excuse anymore for not talking to Taehyung.

But like, he really, really didn't want to. Wasn't that a good enough excuse?

Couldn't the world just give him a repeat or something? Let him go back an hour before he thought it would be a good idea to throw himself at Taehyung and kiss him like there was no freaking tomorrow?

Back before he noticed how much he loved his stupid blue hair and the way his arms felt around him? Before he felt his heart flutter just a bit at the way he literally threw a demon headband on his head and called it a costume? Because seriously, who the hell even did that?

Oh gosh. He was so in love it hurt.

Kookie, you've hated this bitch since day one. There's no way you're getting this worked up over the fact he didn't want to kiss you.

Totally untrue.

Having someone shove you away from them, as he'd learned, was no different than being slapped in the face; it stung-- badly, and way more than he ever could have imagined.

Actually, it stung so badly that trying to deny his feelings at this point would be more insane than the fact he even had them. They were real, they existed, and there wasn't a single thing he could try and do about it other than pray Taehyung liked him back.

But people who liked you back didn't shove you off of them like you were disgusting, did they?

Kookie, you're gonna have to actually talk to him eventually. You can either do it now, or you can do it in detention when you're both stuck in a room with each other for two hours and can't leave until you've finished licking a stack of 500+ envelopes. You wanna do that to yourself? No, I don't think you do.

Jungkook closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, holding onto it for as long as he possibly could without depriving himself of oxygen. And when he finally exhaled, he walked past the crowds of people and made his way over to the couch where Taehyung currently sat all alone, staring off into space and flipping his demon headband around in his lap like an idio--

Kookie, if you keep calling him an idiot like that, your chances with him are gonna be as good as dead. Not that they already aren't since you had to go and scare him away, but you should probably get used to the idea of trying to be nice to him.


He carefully sat down and took the seat right next to Taehyung, tightly crossing his arms over his chest.

And before his ass could even touch the seat, Taehyung's headband fell smack to the ground as he leapt over to the complete opposite end of the couch, leaving a nice, safe distance of about two empty cushions between them.

Jungkook wanted the couch to swallow him up.

Taehyung was literally shaking.

Seriously, why had it not swallowed him up yet?

"Um," he forced himself to remember how to breathe and talk at the same time, "I just wanted to say that I'm really, really sorry for what happened earlier... I-I don't know what I was thinking--"

"No, no, it's fine," Taehyung told him quickly, staring at his shoes. "Don't worry about it."

Don't worry about it?

For a split second, Taehyung looked up at him with literally the most unreadable expression on the planet. And then he disappeared again.

With a sigh, Jungkook uncrossed his arms and leaned into face him as much as the embarrassing gap between them would allow.

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