Chapter 11: Alone

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Last school year: March

It was unusually bright and sunny the day Hoseok broke up with Jin, which had always been his favorite kind of weather. However, his mood was the complete opposite. He couldn't remember the last time he'd walked to school without Jin, and now he was all alone. It just felt wrong.

Hoseok wasn't really sure what Jin meant by 'consider his feelings.' Was he just supposed to think about them? If that was the case, Hoseok already knew what his answer was. He didn't see a future with him and Jin together, and it just wasn't going to happen. But Jin still wanted him to think things over again, so he decided that's what he would do. 

Jin was the perfect boyfriend. He was smart, handsome, fun to be around (plus a good kisser), and he treated Hoseok right. Pretty much every girl in school had been jealous of him, and although he hated to admit it, he'd kind of been enjoying the envious glares they kept throwing his way. Still, Jin was his best friend, and it didn't change the fact that he had no feelings for him. Being with Jin just didn't feel right, although he was flattered that Jin saw him that way.

The first place Hoseok stopped at when he got to school was his locker, which was strange because normally he would have been rushing to the student council room with Jin. He figured this whole day was just going to feel completely weird.

"Hi, Hobi Hyung," said a voice behind him suddenly. 

'Hyung'? No one called him that except for...

Hoseok turned around to find Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung, their smiles bright as ever. For some reason, the two of them had always seemed to look up to Hoseok, but he still wasn't really sure as to why. Even so, Hoseok was still glad to see them. He needed their contagious smiles right now.

"Hi guys," he said with a smile of his own, ruffling their hair. "What are you two doing out here? Shouldn't you be in the student council room?"

Jimin and Taehyung both turned to each other, exchanging looks of concern. Now Hoseok was confused.

"Well," Jimin started, Taehyung nodding at him to continue, "we heard about you and Jin. Right now everyone is kind of just trying to make him feel better."

"But we wanted to see how you were doing too, Hobi hyung, so we left the meeting to come find you," Taehyung said.

"Are you alright?" Jimin asked, grabbing him by the hands and looking at him with his wide eyes. They were being way too dramatic.

"Look you guys, I'm really happy you're worried about me and all, but I'm fine," Hoseok said, shaking him off. "Besides, we were only together for a few days. It's not like it's that big of a deal." He grabbed his books, shutting his locker door behind him.

"But you've been best friends since forever," Taehyung said, both of them still not looking convinced. "Won't this make things weird between you two now?"

Hoseok let out a deep breath, crossing his arms. They were right; things were going to be a little weird between him and Jin now, but he couldn't stand seeing the two of them them worried about him like this.

"Yes, things will be sort of awkward between us at first," he sighed, watching their faces fall into frowns, "but we just need to be apart for a little while, that's all," he reassured them. "And it's not like we're on bad terms or anything. We're still friends."

Taehyung looked like he was feeling a little more relieved now, but Jimin was still looking at Hoseok like some kind of concerned parent.

"I'm fine," he told them again, more so speaking to Jimin. It wasn't going to be that easy to convince him.

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