43. Obvious

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Jungkook's crush on Park Jimin had been obvious since the very beginning.

Never in his life had he gotten distracted from a book. Once he began reading, he let himself fall in deep, completely forgetting about the world around him. They were just words on pages, yet he lived and breathed in them, almost as if his life depended on it.

"You know, that book must be pretty terrible if you have to glance up at me every ten seconds."

And then, for the first time ever, Jungkook realized he had absolutely no clue as to what he'd just read.

On the couch across from him sat a boy who seemed to be about the same age, now glaring at him with the most irritatingly sexy smirk he had ever seen.

Up until that moment, Jungkook had only been studying him through careful glances. He would sneak glimpses at his perfectly defined collar bone, which was totally visible thanks to the deep cut of his white t-shirt. He had messy black hair that looked like it had been slept on not too long ago, and the prettiest, fullest lips that kept drawing his gaze towards them like some sort of magnet. At some point, he'd lost interest in the words on the pages, and was now letting himself become completely entranced by the boy's charms.

He just never thought he'd get caught.

"I mean, I'm not saying it's a bad thing to get checked out by a guy who's actually hot for once, but you could try not to be so obvious," he laughed, now letting himself fall back onto the couch cushions.

Jungkook felt himself go numb as the boy kicked his feet up, gazing up towards the ceiling.

He didn't know whether to be flattered or completely embarrassed. All he could manage to get out was an almost inaudible "sorry" as he quickly went back to reading his book. Although, it wasn't like he'd ever be able to concentrate with the way his heart was hammering in his chest.

"So why are you here?"

Jungkook's eyes darted back up again as the boy turned his head towards him, waiting for a response. He was taking up the entire couch now, letting his feet hang off one of the arm rests.

For some reason, Jungkook hadn't stopped to think about the fact that he would probably look like one of his dad's patients when he'd decided to read his book in the downstairs living room that day. Instead, he'd been more concerned about trying to find a reasonable excuse to gaze at the boy sitting across from him. Not that he was supposed to have figured that part out.

Still, it wasn't every day that someone this gorgeous came around. His father specialized in treating teens and young adults who were experiencing various degrees of mental trauma, and although his rule was to "politely" keep away from these people, Jungkook's curiosity had gotten the best of him.

Maybe it was because he spent more time living in written words than actual reality. Or maybe it was because his extensive collection of smutty young adult romance novels had him desperate to experience a love story of his own. Either way, it wasn't like he'd expected to do much more than innocently fantasize.

"Ohhh, I know who you are," the boy pointed a finger at him, immediately causing Jungkook to tense up.

"Wait, y- you do?" he said nervously, already regretting ever coming out here. If he would've just stayed upstairs, he could have just avoided the humiliation all together.

"Yeah! You're his son, right?" he flipped the hair out of his eyes, now giving him a warm smile. "I thought you looked sort of familiar, and then I realized you look just like the guy from the photos in his office!"

Yep, this was absolutely mortifying.

Jungkook gave him a nod in response, wondering if it was too late to head back up to his room.

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