57. Celebratory Ice Cream (part 2)

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Was this what being set up on a blind date felt like?

Okay, so it technically wasn't a date. And it wasn't exactly "blind" either since Park Jimin was standing right in front of him.

But still, Yoongi knew nothing about the guy who was about to take him out for celebratory ice cream in place of his boyfriend. And if it wasn't for Hoseok insisting that the two of them get to know each other right this very moment, he would've planned on keeping it that way.

"Alright, Yoongs, have a good time," Hoseok leaned in to give him a quick peck on the lips before he opened the door for them to leave, his body stiffening as Jimin suddenly took him by the arm.

"Wait, Hobi, you can't just--"

It was already too late. As soon as Jimin pulled Yoongi out the door, it became crystal clear that he really didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

"I love you!" Hoseok called after him, Yoongi turning around helplessly as he quickly shut the front door.

He couldn't help but notice the way Hoseok's voice had seemed to beg for his forgiveness, almost as if he were completely aware of the fact that what they were doing was insane. What the hell were they even trying to pull?

Although, now that Yoongi thought about it, he'd been letting Hoseok drag him around and do all sorts of crazy things to him since the very start. Even back when he'd still thought Hoseok to be nothing but obnoxious, Yoongi never had the heart to tell him no.

Why was that?

"I've never had a blond friend before," Jimin commented as he pulled him further down the street, making their way towards the train station.

"Amazing," Yoongi replied, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "And I hate to break it to you, but I don't remember saying we were friends."

Just then, Jimin turned to look at him, Yoongi raising his eyebrows in challenge. He wasn't sure if it was the heavy eyeliner or the charcoal colored shadow shimmering above Jimin's eyelids, but something about his gaze pierced right through Yoongi's core.

"Fine then," Jimin sighed, finally letting go of his arm. "Let's make it official. Min Yoongi, would you like to be my friend?"

Jimin proudly offered Yoongi his hand, waiting for him to shake it in agreement. For some reason, the way he was looking at him so expectantly only made Yoongi want to challenge him further.

Yoongi crossed both arms against his chest, keeping his hands to himself for the moment. "And if I said no?"

"You won't."

The corners of Jimin's lips pulled upwards into the slightest smile, his eyes waiting patiently.

It was only because Yoongi feared his hand might grow tired if he waited any longer that he finally gave in.

"But in exchange," he said, still keeping a firm grip around Jimin's hand, "you have to tell me why."

"'Why?'" Jimin repeated, scrunching his face in confusion. "What do you mean why?" He let go of Yoongi's hand, letting it fall to his side. "Is it so weird to think maybe I just wanna get to know you?"


At that, Jimin's eyes grew wider, but the rest of his body maintained his ever- so- cool composure.

"I get it, you're not an idiot," Jimin shrugged, his feet starting to move forward once again. "But it's true, you know. I genuinely like you, Yoongi."

"We don't even know each other," Yoongi argued again, his tone brushing the other off as delusional. "How can you say you like someone when you've barely ever spoken to them?"

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