70. Best Friend-Zoning

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"Kook..." Taehyung breathed out, briefly pulling away from the kiss, "w-we have to stop..."

Jungkook fully disagreed with him by reconnecting their lips and kissing him even harder, lacing their fingers together tightly as if to say he needed to kiss Taehyung forever.

He stroked a thumb over the top of his hand, and Taehyung happily gave in again, even though the dull pain in his lips was slowly getting sharper and sharper. It was the kind of pain you can only get from kissing someone for ages-- and also the only pain he'd gladly take any day.

Especially if it meant getting to kiss Jungkook in his black sweatpants with a pink cartoon bunny on them.

For someone who walked around in his heavy lace-up boots trying to act all tough and scary all the time, this guy was anything but.

He'd brought Taehyung all the way down to his living room when he'd told him he couldn't sleep from the drunken pain in his head-- and not the fancy one that his dad used for meeting his patients, but the normal living room that had a giant television they could use as their source of light, since anything brighter made Taehyung's eyes feel like they were being ripped out.

He'd sat Taehyung down on the couch, poured them both a glass of water (except Jungkook's was just crushed ice because he liked to chew his water instead of drink it), offered to cook for him (which really just meant a nice bowl of cereal), tucked him into a blanket, and promised to stay up with him until he fell asleep by keeping himself awake watching questionable reality shows on MTV.

And at first, that was how it stayed-- watching scary Jeon Jungkook in his pink bunny sweatpants become engrossed in the world of teen pregnancy and tinder dates gone wrong, all while eating a cup of ice.

And then, somewhere along the way, Taehyung's blanket was tossed to the ground, the cup of ice was set aside, and the two of them found themselves sitting on the carpet in between the couch and the side table, making out with each other like there was no freaking tomorrow again.

Because after tonight, there wouldn't be for them.

Out of pure curiosity, Taehyung peeked an eye open, pulling an arm down from Jungkook's shoulder and tapping his cellphone screen to check the time. And when he saw the number, he had to stop himself from literally gasping against Jungkook's lips.

4 AM.

He'd been making out with Jeon Jungkook for over two whole hours.

And miraculously, during those two whole hours, nothing even sort of sexual had happened-- just a lot of playing with each other's hair and hugging each other so tightly that Taehyung feared they might actually become permanently glued like this. And they weren't even rough kisses like the first time either-- they were the sloooow and gentle kind, sometimes pausing entirely just so they could brush their noses together (which probably looked sooo stupid, but he didn't even care).

Well-- that, and he was really, really glad their fight had been cut short that day, because Jungkook's arm muscles were like something else entirely. Not that he didn't love having his arms wrapped around his waist and being squeezed like Jungkook's life solely depended on hugging him, but it was also a nice reminder that he for sure would've been killed.

Even so, Taehyung didn't want to stop kissing Jungkook, and he didn't think he'd ever want to stop kissing Jungkook.

Not when he'd become one of Taehyung's first, and only actual friends in what felt like an eternity.

And they could say they hated each other all they wanted, but every day that statement became more and more ridiculous.

They like shared a braincell.

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