48.Hoseok's Petty Side (part 1)

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"Are you ready now, Yoongi?"


Jungkook turned to Namjoon and Jin, shrugging his shoulders as if he'd given up.

"See? He's not gonna listen to us, Joon. You're the best friend, so you have to be the one to get him to open the damn door."

Namjoon checked the time on his phone for the millionth time, and just like usual, he let out a deep, exaggerated sigh.

"Fuck, they're gonna be here any second," he groaned, pulling the strands of his silver hair. "Kook, you go watch for the door. Me and Jin will take care of it."

"On it," Jungkook nodded, making his way quickly down the stairs.

Things were about to get desperate.

Namjoon and Yoongi had both sworn to never use the key when one of them wanted to be alone with the door locked, even if it was really urgent. If there was a true emergency, they could use the emergency call option on their phones, or they could do the secret knock—one, singular tap on the door. Being teenage boys, both of them knew they needed their privacy, and if the door was locked, it was locked for a reason. This rule only became more serious once the two of them started dating.

Namjoon was about to break this sacred rule for the sake of his best friend's love- life.

He stared down at the tiny, silver key in his hand, trying to convince himself once again that this really was for the best. It didn't matter how many times he told himself; putting that key into the lock was going to feel wrong no matter what. But it had to be done.

"Just do it," Jin told him, watching as Namjoon stared down at the key blankly. "We really don't have a choice at this point."

Sadly, his boyfriend was right. Namjoon shoved the key into the lock before he would have time to feel guilty again, and the door swung open with ease.

"Yoongi?" Namjoon carefully stepped inside, preparing to have something thrown at his face. However, the room was oddly silent. Jin followed behind him slowly, trying not to make too much noise as they approached the human- sized lump underneath Yoongi's bedsheets.

The silence didn't last long at all. With a nod from Jin, Namjoon ripped the covers off of Yoongi at the speed of light, and Jin held his feet down as he began kicking at them violently.

"Leave me alone!" Yoongi's muffled screams echoed through the room as he covered his face with one of his throw pillows.

"Yoongi, you're being insane!" Namjoon fired back at him as the two of them tried to get him to sit up. "You're literally acting like a child who doesn't want to go to school, which makes no fucking sense because you're supposed to be meeting your boyfriend's parents in five minutes!"

"I'm not going," Yoongi declared from underneath his pillow. "Just tell them I'm sick and that I can't eat anything."

Namjoon couldn't help but roll his eyes at that one.

"No way," he snapped. "You told Hobi you were going to meet his family tonight, and that's exactly what you're going to do."

"No, and you can't make me."

"Oh my god," Namjoon muttered, turning to Jin with a look that said 'can you believe this bitch is for real right now?' All he got was a helpless shoulder shrug in return.

"Why is he even being like this?" Jin whispered in his ear as the two of them continued to glare at Yoongi, still sitting on his bed and refusing to move. He even had his shoes on as if he'd been ready to leave, but at the very last minute, Yoongi had gone rushing into his room and never came back out.

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