Robin's New Teammate (Impeachment Special)

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She was very vocally creeped out about Artemis using the girl's change room, since she was a lesbian. Ember was weirdly paranoid that Artemis was predatory, and wanted to watch her change. As if Artemis would fall for her crusty ass.

But Ember wasn't just the worst to the girls, either. She called Conner a creep, and claimed that he had to be mentally defective (not her exact words...) for the things he enjoyed, and his general behavior. Conner just stared into his static and tried to tune her ableist slurs, until she changed the channel to something she wanted.

She heard Wally talking to Dick about his dad once, and that was all it took to unleash hell. She would come up behind him and pretend that she was going to hit him. She did this every day. several times. Wally told her to stop. Everyone told her to stop. But she thought it was a great joke.

Kaldur took her aside several times to tell her why she needed to stop. He genuinely hoped it was a misunderstanding that could be cleared up. It didn't help, though. Ember didn't respect his authority, and that was putting it lightly. it was getting to a level of passive aggression that they were beginning to wonder if there were... other factors in a straight, white girl's visible distain for a gay, black boy...

Dick had the weirdest relationship with Ember. At first, she kept trying to... seduce him. She would obsessively tease him, and called him this pet name... 'Little Gyp'.
He tried to explain that said pet name was racist, and made him uncomfortable, but she said that he was playing hard-to-get.

Unsure of where to go from there, Dick just told her that he was gay. She wanted him to be her Gay Best Friend. With the memory of her laughing at domestic abuse victim, who was also his best friend, fresh in his mind, Dick bitterly declined

It only got worse from there.

Dick did not want to go in for training, he wanted to hide at home, and avoid the drama and bullying. But Bruce said he had to go, so he would.


Wally looked up as Dick walked in the zetabeam. "Hey." he said quietly, waving slightly.

"Hey." Dick replied. Neither of them felt comfortable enough to say or do anything more. Dick slid quietly out and headed to the kitchen. "Hey M'gann."

She started, looking up from where she'd been staring into the kitchen counter. She blinked a few times and went back to staring at the tile. "Oh, Hi Robin."

Dick hopped up on the counter next to her, staring at the floor. It being around the team was so lonely now. He'd rather be alone. He felt bad for M'gann, she always assumed that the people had her best interests at heart. She was really taking all of this personally. "How's it been?"

"Fine, thank you." She sniffed a little, looking up again and screwing her eyes shut tight. She was tired. "How about you?"

"Okay." They sat in silence for a few minutes. "I'm gonna change for training." Dick said, sliding down, his heavy bag still swung over one shoulder.

"Okay." M'gann said.

Dick slunk towards the less frequented change room. He'd started using this one because he felt uncomfortable showering anywhere near where Ember was. Kaldur must have had a similar idea.

"Sorry." Dick muttered.

"It's alright, Robin." His team leader agreed. He was leaning against the counter, downing a water bottle. He was already changed, and looked like he'd been hiding out in there for a while.

"Thanks." Dick slid through the door and carefully closed it after him. "How are you?" Dick asked out of obligation, speaking quietly incase someone found out about their hideout.

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