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Still Hyunjin's POV:

I stood up quickly and ran towards her room where I heard the sound come from...

"What happened?! Are you okay?!" I entered and looked at the side of the room, Yeona was on the floor beside a wooden chair that has one of its legs broken and a small box laying upside down near Yeona's head.

"O-Ow..." she groaned while standing up.

"What happened?" I repeated.

"I tried to get that box from above the wardrobe by standing on that chair but apparently it was a very old chair so it broke. The wood must've been rotten or something." She explained.

"And you fell?"

"Yeah, with the box falling too right on my head." She pouted while crouching down to pick it up.

"It looks like an old box, why go through all that trouble just to get it? Is it important?"

"Yes. It has my few pictures with my father." She smiled slightly while dusting off the box.

"Your father? Is he..."

"No no he's alive, but he and my mother live separately so I don't see him very often. At least I keep these few photos of him and I, they're valuable for me."

"I see..."

Then when she started to walk towards her suitcase, i heard her wince in pain...

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know...my ankle hurts so much when I step on this leg."

"You must've twisted it when you fell." I said while making her sit on her bed and taking a look on her right ankle, examining it.
"You should've just told me to get you the box from up there! Then you wouldn't have fell and your ankle wouldn't be injured."

"You're the one who said you don't want to help!"

"Yeah but that was then and this is now!"

"What?? That doesn't even make any s-"

"Enough. Just stay sat here and I'll pack the rest." I ordered her and stood up.

'Seriously, stop worrying me...'

"But um...there are stuff that you can't pack yourself." She said kinda blushing.


"I'll give you 5 seconds to use your brain."

"Oh...um...okay, you can tell me what to pack now and we can come again after your ankle gets better to bring the rest." I suggested and she nodded.

After packing a few other things, I told Yeona to stay where she was sitting as I walked outside her room to make a phone call...

"Hello sir?"

"Mr. Choi, please come to this address right now."
*address sent*

"Yes sir."


I went back to Yeona, "I called my personal driver, he'll take your stuff to my house."

"Oh, are you sure? I mean what if we disturbed him?"

"That's his job honey." I said sarcastically, "You should thank me."

"Yeah right, thanks." She said with an eye roll.

"You can't walk like this right?" I asked looking at her injured ankle.

"It's okay, If I try to press more on the other leg, I can endure it till we arrive."

"Nonsense. You can't exert any effort on it or it will get worse."

Then I thought of a good way...

"Here. Hop on."

Yeona's POV:

Hyunjin suddenly turned around and crouched down in front of me with his back facing me...

"Here. Hop on."

"W-What? No I-"

"There's no other way. I'll carry you there. C'mon."

"But I um don't think you'll be able to carry me..."

He turned his head to look at me threateningly, "Are you saying that I'm not strong enough?"

"No I just-"

"Yeona, I'm twice your size. Maybe even more. You have a tiny body that will be a piece of cake to carry to the car so shut up and get on already." He said and urged me with his hands.

I sigh and carefully climb on his back...

Hyunjin's POV:

When I felt her on my back, I placed my hands below her thighs and slowly stood up but she was apparently scared of falling so she tightly wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

"W-We'll both die like this if you don't loosen your arms." I managed to choke out.

She immediately loosened, "S-Sorry, just try not to drop me."

I chuckled , "Don't worry." And we headed outside and down the elevator.

"Mr. Choi! Here are the keys," I handed him the keys quickly before placing my hand back so not to drop Yeona, "Apartment 15 on the second floor. Get me all the stuff that's beside the front door to my house please." I said and went to stop a taxi.

>>A short journey skip>>

I carried Yeona out of the cab and went inside the house as I dropped her gently on the couch. Then died on the other one.

"My back is done."

"I told you!"

"I didn't think you would be this heavy."



"Take back what you just said!"

"I never take back my words."

"Then I have no choice."


She finally smiled with satisfactory and placed down the remote that she was threatening me with.

>>Time Skip>>

Yeona's POV:

Hyunjin went out to the pharmacy to buy some ointment for the awful swelling that's growing on my ankle. I actually appreciate his help today but sometimes I just feel like...

Like I...

...need to punch him in the face and break his nose a little.

Anyway, I was bored so I opened the television until I heard the sound of the front door,

"Oh, you're back faster than I expected." I said without looking.

"Who are you talking to?" I snapped my head towards the voice to see Minho and the others standing there at the entrance of the living room, all staring at me...


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