Life Can Be Cruel

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Yeona's POV:

I just found myself hugging Hyunjin


(That's it for this chapter, thanks for reading- ok sorry)

He seemed startled and the rest were kinda surprised too,

"Uhhh...what's going on??" Asked Jisung.

"Yeona, you okay?" Added Chan confused.

Now what

I, myself, don't know why I just went and hugged him out of the blue like that!

I slowly let go and tried to think of an excuse, "I uh...was checking something."

"Checking something?" Hyunjin tilted his head in question of my sudden action.


"What were you chec-"

"WHO WANTS ICE CREAM?!" I suddenly yelled to divert their attention to something else and it actually worked...

"oh mE MEEEE!!" Jisung was the first to yell followed by Felix and the rest too.

Ice cream never fails me

>>Time Skip>>

Hyunjin's POV:

She ain't fooling me with her ice cream trick

What was the sudden hug all about?

I went up to her, she was curled up in a ball on the couch watching cartoons?

"Aren't we past this age level?" I asked.

She looked up at me with a small pouty face, "I don't have to be 6 to watch cartoons! It's perfectly normal."

"Yeah of course, it's perfectly normal for a 17 year old teenager to be watching Shaun The Sheep in her free time." I stated with sarcasm and she just glared at me before looking back at the screen.

To be honest, I thought that when Yeona hugged me, she had already developed feelings for me or something and I thought, 'wow, girls are still all the same. Thirsty creatures.' But then I see her crouched in her seat, totally immersed in a 3+ cartoon that has a sheep-that-doesn't-even-talk and my thoughts immediately diverted away from Yeona.

Nah, she's too innocent to think stuff like that.

So I decided to let the hug thing be and sat there beside her, watching the screen as well, thinking about tomorrow.

It would be nice if tomorrow doesn't come

I hate tomorrow...

Yeona's POV:

[The Next Day...]

When I woke up and did my morning stuff, I went outside to make us some breakfast.

"Hyunjin! What do you want for breakfast?" I yelled from the kitchen but not response.

And after yelling some more, I assumed he might be still sleeping but I didn't find him in his room.

Nor was he anywhere in the house.

"Did he already leave?"

*sigh* he could've waited for me

>>Time Skip>>

We were now half way through the school day and it's lunch time.

I entered the cafeteria and spotted the guys sitting at a table over there so I held my tray of food and started heading towards them.

They saw me and waved for me to come but a leg was slid onto my way and I fell harshly on the cold floor as the food on the tray splashed everywhere,

"Oops~ watch where you're going loser." Said the jerk who tripped me.

As I began to get up, embarrassment clearly written on my face with big red letters, I heard Felix's deep voice approach us,

"The hell was that? 'Oops' ? Oh you didn't mean to?" Felix mocked the guy's words while helping me up. I saw Chan come over too followed by the rest,

"Would you like it if I did this?" Chan asked before effortlessly flipping the chair that guy was sitting on as he fell on his butt. Hard.

"OWW!!" He whined.

"Oops. Watch where you're sitting." Stated Minho while the others helped clean up the mess and we left that jerk on the floor, returning to their table.

"Are you okay Yeona?" Seungmin was the first to ask.

I nodded quickly, "Yeah of course! Thanks a lot you guys I really appreciate your help." I smiled at them but then I noticed something,
"Huh? Where is Hyunjin though? When I woke up today, he had already left."

They all sighed and the mood turned gloomy in a flash and I started to get worried.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Well..." started Changbin but couldn't find words.

"Hyunjin didn't come to school today." Stated Jisung.

"Huh? Why? Where is he?" I asked.

"He's probably with his parents now..." stated Felix and I widened my eyes in great shock,
"WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!" I freaked out.

"Ha? No NO I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!" Felix quickly waved his hands in front of his face, "I mean he's with them at their grave. Talking to them."

"Today's their death anniversary." Jeongin finally spoke and sat back in my seat.

"That's why he didn't look all that...Hyunjin-ish last night..." I said, "and that's why he left early? To pay them a visit?"

"Yes. He does that every year. Today is a very harsh day on Hyunjin and he usually tells us to leave him alone." Explained Chan, "He mostly disappears throughout the whole day and would go back home with his eyes swelled and red and puffy and we just don't know what to do to make him feel better."

"We really hate today too," added Minho seriously, "We don't like seeing Hyunjin so sad like that. It hurts us."

"He must be having a very rough time right now..." I whispered and Jisung nodded who was sitting beside me.

"Life has been very cruel to Hyunjin..." started Seungmin, "Cuz today isn't just his parents' death anniversary..." then he trailed off.

And Felix continued for him,
"Today is Hyunjin's birthday..."

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