Dashi Run Run Run

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Hyunjin's POV:

And imagine while you're sitting in your room alone, talking to yourself about stuff only you know and don't really want anyone else to know, you hear a voice coming from under your bed and engaging with you in your self-to-self private conversation...

Screaming is the least I would do

I jumped off the bed while watching in horror as a hand crept out from the darkness under the bed, then the other hand, then a head, then-


"Sorry I scared you, I didn't mean to, Hyung."


He stood up and dusted off his pants very calmly, "That aside, what did you mean by 'Yeona's feelings' ?" He eyed me suspiciously.

"What are you even doing under my bed at midnight?" I asked, avoiding his question.

"Minho and Changbin sent me here on a secret mission."

"To give me a heart attack?"

"No, that was not intended." He chuckled while scratching the back of his neck, "To spy on you and Yeona. You know, make sure everything's cool that's all."

"That's all? Everything's cool? What do you mean by that? Did you seriously thought I'd do something with her?" I asked, trying to sound as indifferent as possible.

"Well, it's your first time having a girl sleep with you in the same room so-"

"Ha! A girl? That's just Yeona dude! You really think I'd even consider doing anything with Park Yeona of all people? Plus she's not my type at all." I lied.

"Oh yeah? Although you seem jealous when she hangs out with Jinyoung?"

"Jealous? HAHAHA! Give me a break Jisung. I just don't like the guy, it has nothing to do with her. She's not that important to me anyway."

"I don't know why I don't buy anything you're saying right now." He said and I gulped, "But I'll leave you know since it's late and we're talking about this some other time again okay?"

I nodded, "Heh, there's nothing to talk about. You guys are hallucinating."

That's when Jisung walked over to the bedroom door, opening it to step out but he says something that made my heart stop for a second,


I quickly turned my head towards the door to see Yeona standing there with hurt in her eyes and I felt like a thousand bricks of stone have fell on me right that instant...

She made eye contact with me

"Y-Yeona wait I-"

But that's when she turned around and ran away downstairs.

"Crap! She must've heard everything!" Jisung cursed.


"Yeah! And everything awful you just said about her!"


NononononononoNO this AIN'T good

I immediately turned on my heels and dashed outside, after her.

When I reached the first floor, I saw Jinyoung sleeping on the couch, covered with the blanket Yeona had given him earlier and the front door wide opened.

"Oh no she ran outside!"

I also ran outside while looking everywhere around me for Yeona. The summer house is in a private area so no one else is living here, we're just at the edge of a forest.

Where could've she gone to?!

She couldn't have gone far. I sprinted towards the forest, looking everywhere around me.






It's dark and I don't have any flashlight nor my phone.

What do I do?! This is a complete misunderstanding and It's all my fault! WHERE IS SHE?!

Moments of walking into the forest later, I heard soft sobbing noises coming from some trees over there where the moonlight shone upon them.

"Yeona!" I finally breathed when I saw her crouched down beside a tree, her tears shining from the only light coming from the moon.

As soon as she saw me, she stood back up and started to run away again but I was fast enough to stop her by holding her wrist,

"Stop running! Let me explain!" I yelled.

She stopped and looked down, not meeting my eyes, "You don't have to explain anything."

"Yes I do! Please just hear me out-"

"No you don't, Hyunjin! You have nothing to explain to me! I don't even know why I ran! I'm an idiot okay?! I know it's normal for you to say what we said it's not like we have any kind of special relationship or anything, so you don't need to explain! I'm perfectly fine I just-" at that point she was already looking me in the eyes while hers shown with tears and she kept shouting as more tears fell on her cheeks and I hated everything about that.

She stopped when I suddenly pulled her into a tight hug, with my hand behind her head, trying to calm her down,

"Shh..you don't know anything about how I feel towards you." I whispered yet I know she heard me. Nothing could be heard out here except for the rustling tree leaves and our voices.

She sniffed into my shirt then backed away a bit to look at me with confusion, "What? What do you mean?"

I sighed

Should I?

I held her by both shoulders and leaned down a bit to match her eye level, "Yeona...I swear every word I said back there was a lie."

"A lie? But *sniff* what do you mean? And why did you lie?"

"Because I don't want Jisung or anybody to know yet."

"Know what?"

I smiled, "You're completely clueless Park Yeona aren't you?"

She frowned, "No I just don't understand what you-"

*kisses her*

Aaaaaaaaand I shut her up with a peck on her lips which were salty by the way because of all the tears- (TMI Hyunjin, TMI)

It was just a small peck as I removed my lips and looked at her, still very close,

"I love you Park Yeona. So much you don't understand."

Her lips were slightly parted as she kept staring at me without blinking once. I chuckled at that reaction,

"Yeah I know. Who would've thought that the great Hwang Hyunjin would actually fall in love with a girl like you?"

Her expression changed from stunned to are-you-serious,
"Are you confessing now or are you mocking me?"

I laughed a bit, "Sorry sorry. But seriously though, don't think I'm joking. I'm serious. Dead serious. You wanna know how serious I am?"

And before she could even answer, my hand found its way to the back of her neck, pulling her closer to me and crashing our lips together once again,

But this time, there was some action~


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